Is 5G a Deadly Trigger for the Coronavirus?

5g coronavirus

By James Grundvig, Investigative Reporter, Vaxxter Contributor

The uneven spread of the novel coronavirus around the world was clustered in several hot pockets while leaving other areas with scant outbreaks. This pattern developed in China, with the epicenter of Wuhan City in Hubei province owning, at one time, more than 99% of the cases and deaths over the rest of the country of 1.4 billion people.

Outside the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong have not experienced the runaway infections or deaths that China did, with the latter twice experiencing the restart of last year’s protests. Although the coronavirus spread fast in South Korea and Japan in the beginning, both outbreaks were extinguished.

In South Korea, the vectors for two of the country’s four clusters came from a Wuhan branch of a cult church and a Catholic church pilgrimage returning from Israel. Since then, South Korea has moved aggressively to defuse new clusters by radically testing people and disinfecting mass transit systems daily. With more than 9,100 cases and 126 deaths, and with one-third recovered, Korea has fewer cases and deaths than New York City. Today, South Korea also boasts the fewest number of new coronavirus cases, according to the BBC.

Japan took a different route with the novel virus. Japan has only 1,200 cases and 130 deaths. A total of 712 infections came from one supercluster in the Diamond Princess cruise ship, docked in Yokohama. That’s more than half of the entire country.

The International Olympic Committee recently canceled the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The cancellation isn’t due to the outbreak in Japan, but likely from so many nations battling the virus.

The New Epicenter of Northern Italy

In March, the COVID-19 outbreak shifted from China to Northern Italy. Soon after, the entire nation of 60 million was placed under strict quarantine. Social distancing turned into permission slips to leave one’s home. Despite the containment efforts, the virus hit Italy very hard. It emptied streets, stopped life as Italians knew it while killing more than 7,500 people out of 75,000 total infected.

On the first weekend of spring, images emerged from Italy, showing similar scenes of horror. Scenes that were eerily reminiscent of Wuhan: people walking down the street, collapsing dead without any external force. Dozens of such videos and photos showed the fallen people spread eagle, flat on their backs, face down on sidewalks. Lifeless. No blood splatter. Outside of one similar case in New York City, no other place in the world has produced such anomalies.


What causes people, who appear to be fit, to keel over without a seizure or to tremble suddenly? What is the underlying cause? And what makes Wuhan and Northern Italy different than other parts of the world? So different that COVID-19 kills people with no apparent explanation?

Why Wuhan?

In 2018, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology selected Wuhan as a pilot city for the “Made in China 2025” plan. The overarching goal aimed at the industrial city of 11 million to become the world’s Internet of Things mecca. The goal? A 5G smart city that would connect homes, offices, hospitals, factories, and autonomous vehicles via a digital fabric.

Renowned for its factories and severe pollution, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) envisioned elevating Wuhan as the global smart city of the future. All of the commands, controls, data sharing, and data flowing through artificial intelligence systems would showcase China as the preeminent digital leader of the world.

At the center of the plan, the Chinese telecom syndicate of ZTE, Huawei, Hubei Mobile, and China Unicom began to transform Wuhan into a giant 5G “hot spot” for wireless technology. The 5G launch in the Hubei capital city culminated with the October 2019 Military World Games. Wuhan activated 20% of its 10,000 5G base stations, and the rest by the end of the year. With the hottest 5G pilot city on the planet, the CCP planned to leverage the publicity to attract more foreign investment and lure international businesses to prop up China’s flagging economy.

Then disaster struck.

A New Pneumonia

In mid-December, just six weeks after the military games concluded, the first cases of a new pneumonia started to show up in area hospitals. Over 72 hours through New Year’s day, scientists decoded the novel virus. On January 2, Wuhan notified the CCP and the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) about the outbreak. The two governing bodies of the Peoples Republic of China took precautions for their leaders, personnel, and buildings. Instead of telling the world about the outbreak, the regime kept it under tight control. Three weeks after sequencing the virus, Xi Jinping finally made his first public comment about the discovery of COVID-19 and the epidemic ravaging Wuhan.

By then, the epidemic erupted out of control. Millions became infected, and tens of thousands in Hubei died. These numbers far exceeded the “official” numbers claimed by the CCP and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

At its height, many leaked videos showed people falling, collapsing, or sprawled dead in the streets of Wuhan. Nowhere else in the infected areas of China did similar scenes show that type of death.

Then a clinical study comparing “Imported cases of COVID-19 in Jiangsu Province,” by Jian Wu, et al., discovered a key finding between Wuhan and Jiangsu patients.

“Compared with the cases in Wuhan, the cases in Jiangsu exhibited mild or moderate symptoms and no obvious gender susceptivity. The proportion of patients having liver dysfunction and abnormal CT imaging was relatively lower than that of Wuhan.”

So, what was the underlying cofactor that separated Wuhan from all other areas in China? And what was the factor that was making the virus more virulent?

Body Bags

While the WHO praised China’s response to the outbreak, only in Wuhan did the police weld infected people in their apartments to die. Only in Wuhan did they burn bodies beyond the capacity of the crematoriums. Only in Wuhan did the regime receive accusations of burying the dead in body bags under cover of the night.

In looking for a cofactor, several outlets suggest Wuhan’s acute pollution was to blame for the virus’ death toll. Others theorized that a vaccine trial “primed” a subset of citizens, making them more vulnerable to COVID-19. In the former, there are many other cities in Asia as polluted that didn’t experience the same corona clusters. While in the latter, no new vaccine trials were launched in Wuhan in 2019.

5G Microwave Effects at 60GHz

In 2001, Shigeaki Hakusui, then president of Harmonix Corporation, explained why fifth-generation wireless technology was needed to reach the goal of creating smart cities. He said it would require bandwidth and efficiency to meet the data demand as the Internet moved toward mobile technology. That was two decades ago.

Hakusui noted that 60GHz was the true radiofrequency that would allow for reliable transmission of data, due to its “98 percent oxygen absorption” rate. This allows the invisible signals to travel from point A and B, and back again on the same path. Super-efficient and a technological milestone.

Hakusui writes:

Since the presence of O2 is fairly consistent at ground level, its effect on 60GHz radio propagation is easily modeled for margin budgeting purposes. Also, the high level of attenuation from oxygen absorption makes even the worst weather-related attenuation insignificant, especially on the short paths where 60GHz systems operate.

He stated, unequivocally, that 60GHz would deliver the last mile efficiently, as the “oxygen absorption makes possible the same-frequency reuse within a very localized region of air space.”

The downside to 5G, however, is the lack of biological safety and health tests to support its global rollout. Even workers who installed 5G towers are burning them down. Does the electrification of the entire planet make sense? Do thousands of satellites being deployed where infrastructure doesn’t exist, such as the oceans make sense?

Unsettling Results

Testing 5G by trial and error has already produced some unsettling results. They include the mass deaths of birds in the Netherlands, the cutting down of half of Sheffield, England’s trees, and strange illness clusters of children in some U.S. schools.

Most people don’t grasp or care that their WiFi can send signals through drywall, glass, and concrete slabs, just the same as beams go through the human body. And with 5G a far more focused beam, those signals have no trouble traveling through a person.

The problem is for every breath we breathe, our blood transports oxygen throughout the core, extremities, to the vital organs, heart, and brain.

If 5G at 60 GHz frequency zips through the air, absorbing most of the oxygen, disrupting the electrons that bind 02 molecules that, combined with a hydrogen atom, form water vapor, what is that frequency doing to blood cells, which consist primarily of water and carry the oxygen?

Do the disruption of the body’s biorhythm, breathing, and oxygen distribution begin to explain what happens to the people who dropped dead?

Mt. Everest “Death Zone”

Studies of acute mountain sickness show that as climbers ascend in altitude, they hit an endurance wall from a lack of oxygen. “At 4500 m [14,764 feet], the real amount of oxygen in the air composition is only 12% diluted, which is approximately 60% of sea-level oxygen,” according to Brazilian scientists, who published a paper last year.

Higher up the mountain in the “death zone” of Mt. Everest, climbers die due to severe hyperbaric hypoxia, even with bottled oxygen as their blood coagulates. In another view, altitude sickness starves the brain of oxygen.

That does stack up and explains the unusual scenes of Wuhan citizens dying literally in the streets. They keel over dead, not shaking from a heart attack or seizure, never resuscitated.

Milan in Northern Italy is the 5G capital of Europe. Iran, where suspected millions have been infected, has installed 5G deployments. And sure enough, the three Princess line cruise ships—Diamond, Grand, and now Ruby—had GEO and MEO satellites beaming 5G down to the ships as they travel via a Medallion Net receiver system last autumn.

Although South Korea is a wirelessly connected nation, it doesn’t have the number of cases like other places in the world that does. Yet, its third and fourth coronavirus clusters were in 5G-hot gymnasium and hospital.

As the anomalous deaths of people in Wuhan and Italy can attest, society, the telecom industry, and government are long past due to study the health effects of 5G, especially at the “unlicensed” 60GHz frequency.

Photocredit: ID 139796128 © Anton Medvedev |


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James Grundvig has written and published as a freelance journalist and columnist, covering subjects from autism, its cause and treatments, clean technology, green energy, and the BP Oil Spill, to business and Wall Street, and completed investigative reports on a wide range of topics since 2005. He is the founder of the cloud-based software startup in 2011 to integrate supply chain logistics in the Construction IT space. James has 25 years of consulting engineering and construction management experience on projects of scale and complexity in the New York City area. He is the author of Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement and the Government Betrayal at the CDC.

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