Harvard Doctor Admits He’s Terrified Of Big Pharma…Consequences For Speaking Out Over Vaccines

The respected and outspoken physician who wrote “Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine,” honestly demonstrates how physicians who want to keep their positions must respond to earnest vaccine questions. They can’t.

Paramedic James P. Hilton’s question to John Abramson, MD, health care policy professor at Harvard Medical School, Executive Director of Health Management; Wells Fargo Health Solutions; Lecturer on Health Care Policy; Author of Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine.

Hilton: I’d like you to share your opinion on the current push toward compulsory vaccination, in absence of clinical trials, and in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Abramson: Yeah. Uh. Um. Uh. The question is, what’s my opinion of vaccinations in the absence of clinical trials and the Nuremberg Code.

Hilton: And the push toward the compulsion to pickup.

Abramson: Compulsory, right. For school registration, and so forth.

And… um… I would have to take the coward’s way out. I can’t take on that issue. The pharmaceutical industry watches everything I do. And if I take a stand that I can’t defend… But the bottom line is that I think, and, what the science is, is incomplete. There is no question about it.

And the politics of it, as the way it’s done, as a legal matter, and the inability of people who are injured by vaccines to sue for compensation, preventing plaintiff’s lawyers from getting to the scientific data, its big problems. And, uh, that’s really all I can say. Because again, everything I say in public, uh, is well read. So I apologize.

Hilton: Thank you.

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