The United States didn’t have a bioweapons program after World War II, but certain Deep State actors really, really wanted one. So what did they do? They recruited German and Japanese scientists from both countries which had quite an extensive bioweapons program. It was called Operation Paperclip.
Now, before you utter the words “conspiracy theory”, please know that RFK Jr. just mentioned Operation Paperclip in a recent speech. He certainly did. Because it’s real. You can watch the full clip here.
Who recruited these evil scientists? The CIA of course, placing them as the heads of research labs, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. RFK Jr. then proceeds to tell us about the experiments they did on the unwitting American people. They sprayed toxins everywhere, from airports to the Pentagon air conditioning system, just to see what happened. They poisoned the water at NIH. They filled light bulbs with bacteria and placed them in the New York City subway system. When the bulbs broke, which they inevitably did, harmful microbes filled the space. RFK Jr. says some of the microbes are still there today. He says that 200 aerial dosing tests were done in seaside cities as well as Midwestern cities.
We’ve all heard of German and Japanese ingenuity and efficiency, and by 1969, the US had a bioweapons program that RFK Jr. describes as “equivalent to a nuclear program.” The scientists even bragged at how cost effective their program was, saying that they could kill at a cost of 29 cents per person.
Nixon’s Role
In 1969, President Nixon famously went to Fort Detrick to shut the US bioweapons program down. Nixon was concerned that these scientists were getting out of hand. We already had nuclear weapons, so why did we have to also have biological weapons? These scientists were even publishing HOW they developed these weapons, and Nixon didn’t want the enemy to use them against Americans.
It’s very interesting to look back at how the media covered this. In a New York Times 1971 article, they report that Nixon wanted to convert military facilities from wartime to peacetime.
Nixon gave “informal” remarks to a crowd of servicemen, scientists and government officials gathered at Fort Detrick. Nixon said that in peacetime, the scientists could “henceforth devote themselves toward saving life, rather than destroying life.’ Nixon ordered a halt to the chemical and biological warfare research and the destruction of its stockpiles of germ weaponry. Research would then be devoted to cancer research. The Fort Detrick workers were in shock.
But Americans were definitely on board. Biological weapons were an unknown mystery, but Nixon’s remarks reminded Americans of napalm and Agent Orange from the Vietnam War, and they wanted protection from such weapons of mass destruction. (Note that journalist Seymour Hersch published his famous and startling expose Chemical and Biological Warfare: America’s Secret Arsenal after it was determined that Fort Detrick scientists had developed (in 1967, as part of a secret program) a missile warhead capable of carrying biological weapons.
The news quickly spread to Europe, and everyone knew that if the US took a great stand (which Nixon did in his first year in office), the world would ban these weapons. So Nixon put someone in charge of international relations. That person was Henry Kissinger, who presented overwhelming evidence to ban biological weapons. That’s a great story on the surface, but what else did Kissinger do behind the scenes?
Nevertheless, the Biological Weapons Convention was opened for signature in 1972 at the United Nations. This convention is one of Nixon’s greatest and most forgotten accomplishments. Remarks in the convention wording are as follows:
Biological weapons have massive, unpredictable and potentially uncontrollable consequences. They may produce global epidemics and impair the health of future generations. I have therefore decided that:
The United States shall renounce the use of lethal biological agents and weapons, and all other methods of biological warfare.
The United States will confine its biological research to defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures.
The Department of Defense has been asked to make recommendations as to the disposal of existing stocks of bacteriological weapons. In the spirit of these decisions, the United States associates itself with the principles and objectives of the United Kingdom Draft Convention which would ban the use of biological methods of warfare.(2) We will seek, however, to clarify specific provisions of the draft to assure that necessary safeguards are included.
The convention was fully implemented in 1975, along with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and remains one of the most frequently cited documents in the worldwide struggle for peace.
The First Pandemic Simulation
We all know by now about Bill Gates’ Event 201 COVID simulation, but did you know that in 2001, there was a pandemic simulation to practice for a biological attack by Saddam Hussein. You will never believe the name of the exercise: Dark Winter. Remember in October 2020 in the presidential debate when Joe Biden said Americans were going to have a dark winter? You simply cannot make this stuff up.
The exercise definitely got the attention of Congress, who were investigating when the September 11, 2001 attacks occurred on the World Trade Center. Amazingly, the Patriot Act (350 pages) was waiting on the shelf, ready to go should such an attack occur. While this Act did not get rid of Nixon’s Biological Weapons Convention or the Geneva Convention, it did have a provision that no US federal official could be brought up on charges for violating either statute. That is crazy. Just plain crazy. But it also clearly explains why we are in the predicament we are in today, with Anthony Fauci clearly running free as a bird.
As the Patriot Act was being debated, it was contested by two senators (who actually read the bill, apparently). Those were the two senators who received anthrax in the mail. Of course, Saddam Hussein was to blame, just like in the Dark Winter simulation. The Tenpenny Report has a deeper dive on the anthrax issue. Read The Anthrax Chronicles here and The Anthrax Letters Revisited here.
Two days after the letters, the Patriot Act passed. Gee, what a surprise. A year later, an FBI investigation concluded that the anthrax in the letters was a very unique form of anthrax. The only place it could have come from was Ft. Detrick, not Saddam Hussein. But the CIA had already been working a year under its new found Patriot Act provisions; the Act effectively restarted the bioweapons development in a big way. A really big way.
Still, the CIA was squeamish. Even though the Patriot Act said federal people could not be prosecuted for violating the Geneva Convention, they were CLEARLY in violation because they were developing BIOWEAPONS. And violation of the Geneva Convention means the death penalty.
The CIA needed deep cover, so they routed bioweapons development to none other than NIH and NIAID. THIS is why Anthony Fauci has been there for decades, and also why he is the top salary earner in the federal government (even moreso than POTUS).
Who Was Nixon’s Pen Pal?
In closing, Nixon wanted to help ensure that “scientific achievements in the field of biology will be devoted not to destruction but to the service of mankind.” Did he make a mistake by letting the fox Kissinger into the hen house? And more importantly, did Nixon learn from those mistakes? If he did, who did he tell?
In closing, recall that Nixon had a pen pal for nearly the entire decade of the 1980s, and that pen pal was Donald J. Trump. In this Politico article, the author is very smug, saying that these letters are a mutual affection society and a way for both men to validate themselves.
Do we really think that Politico, or any of us, have ALL the letters written between these two presidents? I’m pretty sure there are some letters we haven’t seen. I wonder what they say?