A Long Time In the Making: Realities of Plandemic Planning

Wait! What? There is a trademark out there for the word “Plandemic.” And it’s owned by a Big Pharma Shill.

The Great Awakening,” the highly anticipated third installment of the groundbreaking Plandemic documentary series, premieres on June 3. I was lucky to get a sneak peek of the film at the ReAwaken Tour in Miami, Florida where I spoke about Charles Lieber, 5G, and Transhumanism.

During a recent phone call with my friend and journalist Ian Trottier,  I shared that I was looking forward to the film’s release. I contributed to the second Plandemic film and was also one of the many who used the hashtag #plandemic prior to the May 4, 2020 debut of the first 26-minute installment.

The Harvard Review acknowledged that #plandemic was a frequently used social media term:

“By harnessing a pre-existing social media term/hashtag, the film’s producers and promoters had access to captive online networks of conspiracy theory believers through which to initiate the distribution of the documentary.”

The publication even went as far as to say that the film Plandemic was a case study for “social media misinformation,” and put forth a “peer-reviewed” analysis titled “The Twitter Origins and Evolution of the COVID-19 “Plandemic” Conspiracy Theory.”

As I spoke to Trottier, I ran a search to see if anyone had trademarked the name “Plandemic.”

I was stunned to find an application dated August 26, 2015. The registrant was listed as 73-year-old Ronald C. Lynch, based in The Villages, in Florida. He was listed as a Republican.

The trademark outlined a “business continuity program” that included goods and services such as “ebooks, workbooks, presentations, slides, train-the-trainer guides, newsletters, brochures, and templates for developing business plans in the fields of business continuity and pandemic planning for employers, employees, and individuals on preparedness, plan development, and execution in the case of disruptive local, regional, national and global occurrences of epidemic outbreaks of contagious disease, earthquake, floods, serious weather phenomena or manmade disasters including chemical releases/spills, infrastructure failures, acts of terrorism that may cause serious short and long term disruptions to normal operations or routine living activities designed to provide guidance in the development of Business Continuity Plans and Pandemic Plans.”

The old trademark was dead and a new application had been initiated April 28, 2023. There was a disclaimer, stating “There were no claims made to the exclusive right to use “a business continuity program.””

Ian and I wondered if Ron knew there was a successful documentary series named “Plandemic” that exposed the Rona Regime. On August 18, 2020, a 75-minute second half of Plandemic was released, featuring former National Cancer Institute scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits. Did he mind if others used his trademark?  

We tried to call Ron but the number listed on the trademark was tied to an acquaintance who had helped him liquidate an estate years prior in the Vorhees township of New Jersey.

“I am not sure how that happened. But I am not Ron. I am sure you will find him though,” the man told us.

After conducting a paid search, I found Lynch listed under Global Learning Solutions, a “child care services” company since 2003. I found another boutique consulting company named North Star USA with a website that seemed like it was designed in the ‘80s, although the workshop offerings were expansive – from “Crisis Management” to “Working Smarter – Using Technology to Your Advantage.”

When I dug into Ron’s Linkedin page I learned that his 35 years of corporate experience included “global responsibilities” with large pharmaceutical corporations like J&J, Roche, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline. His expertise with pandemic planning and action drills also extended to working with the FDA and USDA.

I decided to email Lynch.

“Do you know that there is a series called Plandemic,” I wrote. Surprisingly, he answered. His response could even be described as jovial.

“Hi Maryam!

Yes, it is a TV Series (1 season) re: primarily a collection of conspiracy theories focusing on anti-vaccine proponents.  Did not do well. Appeared in 2020.”

“Did not do well.”

According to whom? A globalist? A useful idiot? Media whores? The mainstream narrative claimed that the film was widely discredited, but amongst my circles, it was touted as the most downloaded film in the history of mankind.

The Harvard Review admitted that the film –albeit temporarily – was able to shift Twitter communications and increased attention towards certain political, public health, media organizations, and perceived elite public figures. “Discourse about freedoms and liberties were increased after the film’s release.”

Did Lynch really think the film did not go well? Was he saying that because by May 7, 2020, the first film was removed from YouTube because it contradicted World Health Organization (WHO) guidance and You Tube’s Communist Rules? Subsequently, other social media platforms locked the film. How was the film a flop, given that the Harvard Review concluded that “stopping the spread and influence of the film Plandemic – and related misinformation – was in the interest of the public’s health”?

Luckily, Lynch, had no issues with the film using the same name. The self-described “old pharma biotech guy” considered Plandemic a totally different genre (class) from his trademarked utilization classes, which he noted were first used in 2003.

“Something doesn’t add up here,” added Ian, who himself has experienced issues with someone else using his business name. “Trademarks are valuable branding rights.  I am suspicious of the loose connection here.

Does the Plandemic movie parallel-park its name alongside Lynch’s work, or will it need to double-park the mark?  Is there a connection here that is not being seen,” Ian added.

I wondered too.

Regardless, we surmised Lynch was involved with a large-scale pre-planned / pre-programmed event that would forever change our social landscaping. A plan for the pandemic, i guess you could say.

Lynch himself boasted that his ‘Plandemic Business Continuity Program’ was implemented in a number of Fortune 500, and smaller organizations/municipalities worldwide. He added that “elements of the program were also incorporated into various sections of the US government Pandemic Plan of 2006.”

To translate, this illustrates that the agenda to improve the nation’s public health and medical preparedness and response capabilities for emergencies (whether deliberate, accidental, or natural) was set in motion at least 14 years ago under the leadership of George W. Bush.

That’s because for the intel scriptwriters (think Tavistock, one of the granddaddies of psychological warfare) it’s all about the long-range penetration and inner-directional conditioning.”

In other words, planning is a must.

The Great Awakening movie premiere in Austin, TX is just days away! Join us in person or via LiveStream on June 3rd. Get your free tickets now at PlandemicSeries.com/Tickets/

Or watch the livestream at TheHighWire.com/TheGreatAwakening.





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Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Twitter @maryamhenein. Email her: maryam@honeycolony.com.

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