Agencies Are Backpedaling On A Massive Scale

You have probably never cleared your schedule to watch a boring government hearing. After all, we can all think of 100 other things we’d rather do. However, the hearing held Friday, September 29 was pure fire. When a bureaucrat from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) testified to Congress, he was lambasted by representatives of the American people. It appears that this hearing has served as the canary in the coal mine for what appears to be happening to all government agencies that mandated the COVID-19 jabs. The Congressional hearing was held by the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, and Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) grilled OSHA Assistant Secretary Douglas L. Parker. Suffice to say he was sweating bullets at the end.

What is OSHA?

OSHA was established in 1970 by Congress, with the express intent of ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. The agency is part of the Department of Labor. It is small in comparison to other federal agencies, and has about 100 offices nationwide with about 2,000 inspectors across the country. These inspectors go into manufacturing plants to ensure adequate protections like machine guards, eye protection, and protection from falls and other workplace hazards.

In 2021, the agency of unelected bureaucrats took it upon themselves to issue a controversial vaccine mandate. OSHA issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) which the agency claimed was aimed at protecting employees in companies with 100 or more workers from the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace. Only workers who worked from home or strictly outdoors were exempt. Anyone who reported to a workplace was mandated. And of course, the mandate included a “show your papers” clause; OSHA even required employers to maintain a written record of vaccinated versus unvaccinated employees and make them available for OSHA inspection.

Mass litigation ensued. A judge put a stay on the order, only to have it lifted by the US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The case was eventually heard by the US Supreme Court which struck down the mandate. If implemented, 84 million Americans could have been forcibly jabbed with an experimental, and now known to be a very dangerous, drug.

The OSHA ETS either required employees to be vaccinated or to have weekly COVID tests. Medical and religious exemptions were theoretically allowed. OSHA couldn’t wait to issue citations for noncompliance. States with OSHA-approved state plans (California and Oregon are examples) were set to issue additional mandates.

These agencies likely never expected this turn of events. People are awake and vaccine-injured, and these bureaucrats are finding themselves in the hot seat. Parker started his answers to Miller’s question with the usual smugness that we’ve all come to know from these guys and gals. He actually countered Miller, telling her that the agency never mandated anything, giving employers a choice. Oh really? Do you think we are stupid? Here is OSHA’s very boldly-worded ETS from November 4, 2021. The mandate was strict and stringent, giving employers only until December 5 to adopt a written policy; employees were required to comply by January 4, 2022.

Rep. Mary Miller referred to the sweeping mandate, questioning OSHA’s authority to issue and enforce it: “Thank God the Supreme Court ruled on that and stopped you from doing that. You’re an unelected bureaucrat, and you do not have the power to force 84 million people to take an experimental vaccine or show their papers. You tried to fire 84 million American workers, but do you believe the court was wrong?”

Even after the SCOTUS ruling, Parker made a statement to Reuters saying that the SCOTUS decision was “unfortunate. He doubled down, telling Reuters that OSHA would not stop “encouraging” employers to take these measures.

Miller asked Parker if he understood the ramifications of his measures. If the ETS had passed and Americans refused to comply, the economy would have ground to a halt. Miller asked Parker what his plan was for that. This is when Parker became very vague and started to sweat bullets: ‘I’d just like to say you are inept. It would have terrorized our economy if the American workers refused to comply, and it would have put 84 million American workers out of work.”

Miller then dropped the mother of all bombs by officially introducing an amendment to strip OSHA of both funding and power because the agency had gone far, far beyond its limited-scope mission.

You can watch the full hearing here.


CDC has begun backtracking as well. In May CDC director Rochelle Walensky resigned, and of course gave a lengthy interview to CNN. It is interesting that the interview started out with a conversation on the CDC’s role in reducing gun violence. Given that Walensky led the CDC during the purported worst pandemic ever, wouldn’t the conversation start with COVID? And why is gun violence even on the CDC’s radar screen? After all, it is not a disease.

In Walensky’s teary interview, she talked about her tough job and hard decisions, especially inheriting exhausted employees who had dealt with the pandemic for a year under the Trump administration. Right. She’s gotta get that political hit in there somehow. The teary-eyed doc is now saying that the science wasn’t perfect and that the vaccines, being EUA, were not fully developed: “We should have done a better job telling the American people that the science was evolving.”

Yes, Dr. Walensky, you should have. You also should have paid attention to Israeli health officials in February 2021 when they warned you about cases of myocarditis. The CDC seems to be fessing up, but it may be too little, too late. In one example, the CDC stated in August 2023 that mRNA-jabbed folks were at higher risk of infection from new variants of the virus as compared to the unvaccinated. You know, evolving science and all. They’re also refusing to accept new COVID vaccine adverse events in their V-Safe program, and the CDC also just published an unsubstantiated masking study as well. All in the name of evolving science, I guess.


Sadly, OSHA and the CDC are not the only agencies attempting to rewrite history. The FDA tried to dissolve informed consent, but now seems to be backtracking under pressure. The agency is doubling down on claims that under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), they had authorization to bypass true informed consent. They cite Public Law 115-92, enacted by Congress on Dec. 12, 2017, but there is no clear explanation that the law gives the FDA this right. Basically, under EUA, the US government acted as the product development sponsor because the products are not authorized for marketing by the manufacturers. Furthermore, these manufacturers thereby were acting as agents of the US government because they were under contract to the government. As such, all responsibility for the products while under EUA does lie solely with the relevant US government agencies (in this case, the FDA and the CDC).

It will be difficult for the FDA to finagle its way out of this one. Here is the language used in the FDA guidance on Emergency Use Authorization: although informed consent is generally required under FDA regulations, it is not required for administration or use of an EUA product. Pretty iron-clad if you ask me. Furthermore, the responsibility lies with the FDA to “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances”.

The FDA issues run much deeper. Many Americans were shocked when the FDA disavowed all advice from its vaccine advisory committee, leaving those members “angry” and “disappointed”. The committee, which advises the federal government on the safety, effectiveness and appropriate use of vaccines, were are also angry because Moderna and Pfizer did not share relevant datasets during advisory meetings designed to discuss whether the booster shots should be authorized. The data suggested that the boosters were not any more effective at preventing COVID-19 infection than the original shots. Several advisors, like Dr. Paul Offit, have been very vocal about not being able to see the data; they told news outlets they were concerned about the lack of transparency. Keep in mind that we the taxpayers have paid $5 billion on the new boosters.

FDA’s story is getting even more interesting. A recent Brownstone report ties FDA to Bill Gates. In 2017, the FDA signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures.” You know, countermeasures like vaccines, to combat disease transmission during a pandemic.

What a tangled web we weave. The hole is getting deeper. Information is being revealed, and try as they might, these agencies will not escape responsibility. Soon, all the information will be revealed, and the American people, and the world, won’t let you off the hook, not even for a minute.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work. 

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