AMA Sends ‘Anti-Vaccine Misinformation’ Letter To Amazon, Facebook

The American Medical Association is coming down on big technology companies for helping to spread “misinformation” about vaccines. The AMA believes that big tech companies, such as Amazon and Facebook, own partial responsibility for recent measles outbreaks.

On Wednesday, the AMA sent a letter to CEO’s of Pinterest, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Facebook, voicing concern over their policy towards vaccine skepticism. The AMA is asserting that false information is plaguing these platforms, even though both Amazon and Pinterest censored vaccine information prior to the letter.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif) sent a similar letter last month.

Unfortunately, the herd is beginning to show support for more censorship and more government control over the exchange of ideas and speech. No matter where you fall on the spectrum of vaccine hesitancy, you surely need to understand that limiting speech is the start of a terrible slippery slope.

Should people who complain about flu shots be censored? Do parents who voice concerns over mandatory HPV vaccines need be silenced? Where does such censorship end? How far will censorship go once it gains public trust and momentum? The answer is, probably further than all of us would like. Because that’s how authoritarianism breeds. It leverages fear and convinces the herd that they aren’t safe unless others are censored.

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