Amazon Begins Culling Vaccine Media From Prime

flu shot survey

Following U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff’s attack, Amazon pulled at least five anti-vaccination documentaries from Prime Video. Schiff accused the shopping and multimedia giant and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, of displaying anti-vaccine media prominently in relevant searches. Amazon is “surfacing and recommending products and content that discourage parents from vaccinating their children,” Schiff complained in a letter he sent directly to Bezos.

Here’s a list of the banned documentaries: “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”; “We Don’t Vaccinate!”; “The Greater Good”; “Shoot ‘Em Up: The Truth About Vaccines,” a purported exposé on the danger vaccines pose by potentially contributing to autism, asthma, and neurological damage; and “Man Made Epidemic,” described as an investigation into “the autism epidemic and whether MMR vaccines have a role to play.”

The most notable of the banned content, Vaxxed, has often been the subject of criticism due to its association with Andrew Wakefield, who some see as a leader in the anti-vaccination movement. The documentary was the subject of controversy when it seemed to garner support at Tribeca Film Festival via festival founder, Robert De Niro later walked back on his position and censored its appearance. The Vaxxed Tribeca banning likely fueled increased sales for the documentary on places such as Amazon Prime.

Of all the documentaries, each remained available as a DVD purchase by Amazon Prime, except for We Don’t Vaccinate!.

This is likely only the beginning of a massive vaccine content purge on mainstream media outlets.


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4 Comments on "Amazon Begins Culling Vaccine Media From Prime"

  1. petra miller | 03/08/2019 at 3:09 pm | Reply

    I have contacted amazon customer support and asked them to delete my account since I will no longer shop with amazon

  2. Another reason to stop shopping at amazon. They’re too big, and when they are too big they get too bad. Dump them, there are other places like Barnes and Noble, Half Price books, etc. I am never shopping there again! They suck!

  3. Prime Members | 03/04/2019 at 12:56 pm | Reply

    1. Contact Amazon customer support and ask why Prime content is being removed at the request of congresspeople
    2. Cancel your ‘Subscribe and Save’ items NOW (I know it’s inconvenient but we have to speak a language Amazon will understand and that is their bottom line.)
    (Optional: Contact Audible and ask whether they are going to be censoring vaccine books too.)

  4. Prime member? | 03/04/2019 at 11:45 am | Reply

    Prime members, you just lost all these documentaries within 3 days of a letter from Adam Schiff.
    Please contact Amazon customer support and ask why? This was the last large tech company not censoring. If you don’t stand up now and do something more titles will begin dropping.

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