Australian Town Unravels Over Vaxxed Screening…Moves To Limit Free Speech

Vaxxed, the documentary created by Andrew Wakefield, is still making waves over one year later. This time a town in Australia is upset that a community center has allowed for the documentary to be screened. In fact, one councillor and parent of an autistic child are looking for ways to prevent future screenings (of any sort). Yes, the idea now is to completely eradicate free speech. And sadly, they have support.


According to the Newcastle Herald:

HEALTH authorities and a Lake Macquarie councillor whose son is on the autism spectrum have slammed a decision to screen a film linking vaccines with autism at a Charlestown community centre.

On Friday night The Place, a not-for-profit centre set up between Lake Macquarie council and property group GPT, hosted a screening of Vaxxed, a documentary that is being toured by the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN).

The AVN told Hunter ticket-holders of the venue by text and email two hours before the screening.

Lake Macquarie Liberal councillor Kevin Baker, a director of The Place, said he was shocked centre management had agreed to screen the film, whose central premise is that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine may be leading to an epidemic of autism diagnoses in children.

“It’s something that’s pretty close to me. I’ve got close family with autism including my nephew, and my son sits on the spectrum,” he said.

“When they make these claims about vaccines having links to autism, a lot of the AVN group are quite nasty in the way they portray that.”

Cr Baker has demanded an investigation into “whether there are processes in place” to prevent similar screenings at The Place.

I have such a difficult time imagining how anyone thinks that “book burning” is a good idea in a free society. Have we not looked around the rest of the world and taken notice of those countries that simply don’t have the right to view certain materials? This isn’t a slippery slope, it’s a water slide to complete oppression. the more that the people get behind it, the more of a concern it becomes.

There are no winners once free speech is gone.


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4 Comments on "Australian Town Unravels Over Vaxxed Screening…Moves To Limit Free Speech"

  1. I have a relative with autism. A relative with kidney problems ,the mother received the mercury containing flue vaccine when pregnant in the early stages.A relative with severe asthma. A friends son with ADHD all having received vaccines .Every school now has an increasing number of kids with the above afflictions No!!!! studies have been done at any time by the pharmacutical companies !!!!,comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated kids.people wake up—they are harming our kids. What is the hidden agenda???? Why is the vaccine court flooded with claims ? and have paid out compensation running into the billions of dollars Why is the mainstream media silent on this criminal situation??

    • Bill, all excellent questions that deserve answers. The numbers of children WORLDWIDE with disabilities is staggering. We need more informed, confident parent-activists on our side to force these issues to be investigated.

  2. Linda Thompson | 08/01/2017 at 12:18 pm | Reply

    Perhaps the councilor is feeling some level of remorse that perhaps he was in part responsible for his son’s autism? He should, however, be brave enough to see the film and look at the research for himself. Surely he owes this to his children and future grandchildren. I truly do not understand why someone would not at least be open to looking at the information and making an informed decision.

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