Former Anti-Vaxxer Now Says it is Playing ‘Russian Roulette’

flickr mask nurse pertussis
Photo by quinn.anya

She was once skeptical about vaccines. But after her child was hospitalized with Pertussis, she’s turned the tables and is now on the attack. She is now criticizing anti-vaxxers harshly.

According to Cantech Letter.

“Why are you playing Russian Roulette with your child’s life?” says Naomi Murray. “I just don’t understand it. I don’t understand how you can opt out of something that’s free.… Why are you OK with putting other people at risk? Why are you OK with that?”

She further goes on to say that she was so mad about unvaccinated parents, that she yelled at Canada’s Public Health. You can read the rest here, but overall, it really sounds like this mother has hit a tipping point due to stress, more than logic.

If she used to be skeptical, how on earth is she suddenly unable to see the other side? My concern here is that the media has cherry picked this story to demonize the anti-vaccination movement. If they make it appear mothers and fathers are escaping a cult, it causes the perception of the movement, in general, to degrade in the public eye. How many more parents regret vaccinations with their stories being buried or passed up on by mainstream media? I’d say exponentially more than one woman and a child having pertussis.

This is the perfect example of media bias. It is subtle, yet far reaching. People will share the linked article over and over as a way to validate their pro-vaccination stance, but the article isn’t at all qualified to stand alone. It is an independent, rare event. Nothing more. And that’s why I am calling it out for what it is.

Photo by quinn.anya

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