Is Kamala Harris The Ultimate Pool Hall Hustler?

Reprinted with permission from Lee Kessler

Watching the rise of Kamala Harris over a period spanning decades from some mayor’s girlfriend, to Prosecutor, to Attorney General, to US Senator, to Vice President, and now the Democrat’s candidate for President of the United States, one could conclude that she is a miraculous story of the American Dream—the epitome of a champion who through tireless work and exceptional talent has risen to the seats of power.

Or is she?  Hold on before you commit to voting for her.  The nature of a con and a grifter is that they appeal to something in you; they arouse something.  Looking at her from my vantage point, I am going to equate her to a pool hall hustler of the highest order.  So, beware, my friends—for she is about to fleece you of everything you have, including your freedom.

Let’s examine a pool hall hustler, shall we? defines hustler informally as “an expert gambler or game player who seeks out challengers, especially unsuspecting amateur ones, in order to win money from them.”  And in the slang:  “a person who employs fraudulent or unscrupulous methods to obtain money; swindler.”

Before we collectively get swindled, I want to elaborate further.  A pool hall hustler is an expert pool player who suckers his mark into the game by appearing to be an average or even below average player.  Once in the game, the hustler suddenly turns into the expert and cleans his opponent out of all his money.  And—here’s the kicker—if he is good enough at it, the mark never even knew he was swindled.

One of the most common tactics a hustler deploys is feigning incompetence.  They pretend to be less talented, or less intelligent than they are until it is time to take the winning shot!  If they are really good at it, I learned from a “pool hustling tutorial” (yes, believe it or not, there is such a thing) that the person doesn’t just miss easy shots.   That would tip his mark off.   Rather he covertly works to appeal to the mark’s ego by accidentally setting the mark up for a shot he takes and gets the next time.

This boosts the mark’s confidence, puffing him up.  In other words, he lets the mark make shots that he set up for him, making it look like he himself missed a difficult shot, but it puts the ball just where the mark can get it.  Bottom line, you make yourself look less, not a total incompetent.  In that way, when you finally take your shot, your opponent isn’t mad at you.   He may not even know he has been sandbagged.  He just takes it as an “oh well, I had a bad night.”  Sandbaggers deceive others about their real abilities and intentions, or otherwise use deception to gain something.

Now I don’t know whether VP Harris has ever even set foot inside a pool hall.   But I do know she has been in the company of sharks and grifters her whole adult life.   And she has learned to play down her abilities, not so much that she doesn’t enjoy some success, but enough that the mark—the American people—do not suspect we are about to get clobbered and fleeced.

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When you look at Harris’ career in California, she appears to have had a real meteoric rise, given her mediocre legal talents.  Was she a DEI hire by the people of California?  No.  She simply hustled them into thinking she was less bright, less talented, less of a threat than she actually was.  Her political opponents missed it then.  And we are in danger of missing it now.  Harris is a stealth operator.   She is a prosecutor that leads the witness into a trap, appearing to be either not too bright, or even seeming to be in agreement with the witness.  And when their guard is down, she ambushes, springing the trap.

You only have to watch her in the Kavanaugh hearing to see that, or to have watched her sneakily grill someone testifying before the Senate, only to smarmily eviscerate them at the end.  Even her run for President in 2020 was, in my opinion, a set up for the mark.  She attacked Joe Biden.  Then, appearing to have no real support, she withdrew.  That is comparable to her missing a decent shot, but putting the opponent into the position to take the shot and make the shot.

Look who did become the presidential nominee that year.  Look who he picked for his Vice President—someone who didn’t threaten him, but someone he felt had been sincere in her attacks upon him. In other words, he didn’t know he was being hustled.  Yet hustled he was.  She moved right into the VP slot.

PLEASE notice how the conservative media has consistently underestimated her, consistently referred to her as dumb, low IQ, incompetent and a master at “word salads.”  They have mocked her, trying to show that she was no threat.   She even conned Democrats into thinking she was no threat to them or their agenda.  They were betting on the other guy. They even participated in the greatest fraud perpetrated upon we the people by covering up the true mental state of President Biden because they were convinced she could not win.

But then Kamala Harris took her shot. Setting everybody, including the Bidens, up she appeared to be the loyal partner, the second stringer.  She had let them have victories and wins and high-fives at her expense.  Until she made her move.

Only an ostrich with his head in the sand would believe that she just suddenly got all this money, the political machinery, the uncanny ability to manipulate even the masters of manipulation—the Corporate Media.  No, my friends, it was there all along, being secretly developed.  She was lying in wait for her “shot.”

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Well, she has taken that shot now, and the whole country is reeling.  Suddenly a formidable opponent to the most consequential president of my lifetime has emerged.  And she is shapeshifting every day as she sets the pool table for her final winning shots.   What is at stake?  Freedom itself.  Choice itself.  A constitutional republic that our government actually bases itself upon rather than just gives it a wink and a nod to sucker us “suckers” in.

The gig is up. Kamala Harris has been a long time in coming—working her way up from one pool hall to another, knocking off one player at a time, until now she sits one heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States with the power to create and implement Executive Orders, bypassing the will of the people, the Congress, and even the Supreme Court.  (After all, she let Biden take that shot.   He’s the one that received an unfavorable ruling by the Supreme Court regarding forgiving student loans, and announced immediately that he was not going to abide by the Supreme Court ruling.   He was going to defy it.   He won some points; he won a game.   He took the shot she laid up for him.  And now she can justify doing it herself?

Speaking as a woman, I can say this.   I will be ashamed if this hustler ascends to world power because Americans just want to vote for a woman.  Americans might want to make history by electing the first female president in 2024.   And if that happens, Kamala Harris will have earned the title of champion hustler of all time.

She outfoxed and outsmarted everyone on both sides.  So, what are you going to do to prevent this?   Are you going to vote?  Only one person is standing in her way.   I pray to God that Trump has already detected he is playing with a hustler—and a world-class one.  Let him never underestimate what she is capable of doing in a debate.  The set up is complete.   The conservative media thinks she won’t stand a chance.

Well, here’s my parting word to all those networks: “I doubt it.”


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Lee Kessler is an author, television actress, screenwriter, playwright, and stage director.  Her career  spans thirty-five years, and includes dozens of guest starring roles in television and movies, including  recurring roles in the series Hill Street Blues and Matlock, and a co-starring role with Peter O’Toole in the movie Creator.

Since the publication of her four suspense novels in the White King Rising series, Lee has made numerous radio and TV appearances discussing the book’s relevance to the outcome of the War on Terror. Today, Lee is a successful entrepreneur, a pioneer in Internet commerce, and owns an international Internet business which operates throughout the United States. She is the host of a new podcast, The Clear View with Lee Kessler.

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