Human Subjects To Be Used In Cancer Vaccine Experiments

cancer vaccine humans

A new cancer vaccine will now use humans for testing, according to Hashem Al-Ghaili. The creator of the vaccine, Idit Sagiv-Barfi, PhD, claims the new cancer vaccine will “seek, destroy, and remember” cancer tumors. As it stands, the vaccine has only been tested on mice.

The cancer vaccine claims to work by utilizing two core components. The first is a short piece of DNA called CpG oligonucleotide, this is alleged to stimulate T-Cell creation. The second working function is an antibody that binds to the receptors of the newly created T-Cells. The theory proposed by Al-Ghaili is that the T-Cells will now be activated as fighters against cancer.

I can’t think of anything less I’d want to do than play the role of human subject in a vaccine experiment.

Idit Sagiv-Barfi, PhD delivers a message of hope as she shares a brand new scientific discovery — the latest cancer vaccine. Learn more about her findings in this fascinating TEDxPaloAlto talk.

Idit earned her B.Sc. in Life Sciences from the Hebrew University Jerusalem in 2004. She continued her studies at Hebrew University, receiving her M.Sc. and Ph.D in Structural and Molecular Biochemistry, under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Levitzki.

Since 2012, Idit has conducted research in the field of Immunology/Oncology at Stanford School of Medicine, under the supervision of Prof. Ronald Levy, first as a post-doctoral scholar and now as Instructor of Medicine. She focuses on finding ways to stimulate the body’s immune system to fight and eradicate cancer cells.



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