‘Mass Sterilization Exercise’ Kenya Discovers Vaccines Laced With Anti-Fertility Agent

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Photo by hdptcar

Nov 12, 2015 – 1) Population control is fully underway. 2) Kenya is asking for investigations into WHO.

An article on LifeSiteNews is making new allegations that two United Nations organizations have sterilized millions of girls using anti-tetanus vaccination programs. The programs have also been sponsored by the Kenyan government. This was discovered by the Catholic Church. The Kenyan government claims to be looking into the matter, but seeing they seem to be related to the issue, one has to wonder how unbiased this investigation will turn out.

Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine.

“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”

Dr. Nagare, a spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, released this statement over the matter.

“This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.”

This is not the first time charges of this magnitude have been alleged in African nations. But it is likely to be shelved like past investigations similarly have been. This will always fall under the “conspiracy theorist” bible, even though evidence exist beyond a reasonable doubt. Population control is a frightening venture, but don’t think for a second that it isn’t considered and actively pursued worldwide. Don’t believe you are immune to its slippery slope.

Photo by hdptcar


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