San Diego ‘Massive Flu Outbreak Kills 34’
San Diego is claiming that at least 34 persons have passed away due to a flu outbreak in the region. These numbers have quadrupled in only one week’s worth of time. One of them was a…
San Diego is claiming that at least 34 persons have passed away due to a flu outbreak in the region. These numbers have quadrupled in only one week’s worth of time. One of them was a…
Aborting babies just got a heck of a lot more efficient after the launch of a new abortion device. The device can terminate the life of a baby in a mere 3-minutes, even when the…
The CDC is now claiming that the flu is ravaging 26 states, according to Forbes. They are using the term, “widespread,” to describe this winter’s flu season, at least for 26 states. The CDC is…
“First of all, they don’t work…” Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s response when asked why someone should take a pass on the flu shot. Listen in as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny discusses the dejected flu shot that’s fail…
The Australian Vaccination-Skeptics Network, or AVN, is claiming that Australian mandatory vaccine laws, known as ‘no jab, no pay,’ is a direct violation of religious freedoms. They are basing this claim on some vaccines “containing the proceeds…
“The eugenics movement has a history of killing and wounding many in the large populations to which the ‘science’ is applied. The vaccine movement, as part of the eugenic movement, is now killing families across…
Citizens of Turkey are refusing vaccines at record numbers and this isn’t going over well with many of the country’s medical professionals. With a record 10,000 vaccine refusers per year (a number that’s growing), Prof. Dr….
It was only weeks following a flu shot that Jennifer Whitney says she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The 34-year-old Mukilteo, Washington resident says she took the vaccine after being pressured by her boss at work….
The use of antidepressants is on the rise. However, for most people, the medications hardly help and the accompanying side-effects are too excessive to justify their use. In fact, it almost seems as though a…
Los Angeles, Calif. — The California-based nonprofit organization, Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), recently reported in The BMJ that every year about 5,700 U.S. children suffer seizures from the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This finding…