Reprinted from original American Media Periscope article with permission
No one is getting any more COVID booster shots. There is no demand or need for these shots now. And in truth, from all the harm, injury, destruction, and death that these shots have caused worldwide, there never will be a demand for them ever again.
Using text messages, the European Union negotiated a contract for the Pfizer COVID shots in 2021. They negotiated a contract with Pfizer for all the EU member states. This was done by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
The member states have not even seen this agreement that was signed on their behalf, and now they want to take a good look at this agreement the Commission got them involved in.

Cannot Find Text Messages for Pfizer Agreement
However, the Commission President von der Leyen can no longer find the text messages that she exchanged with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. They somehow just disappeared.
These text messages were the negotiations for the agreement for COVID-19 vaccines for the entire EU. In April 2021, von der Leyen revealed she had exchanged several text messages with Bourla for about a month, while they were negotiating a huge COVID-19 vaccine contract for the EU.
However, Poland said they do not want any more COVID vaccines. (No one wants these vaccines anymore, COVID is over.) Poland asked to see the agreement, but the text messages cannot be found.
In response to a public access request, keeping in mind the importance of this agreement, the Commission was not able to share the text messages von der Leyen exchanged with Bourla. This started accusations and claims of maladministration and mismanagement by the EU’s ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly.
“The Commission can confirm that the search undertaken by the President’s cabinet for relevant text messages corresponding to the request for access to documents has not yielded any results,” the EU justice commissioner Vera Jourova said in the letter to the ombudsman.
We Do Not Need Any More COVID Vaccines
Polish Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced that the country will no longer accept COVID vaccine deliveries from Pfizer. Once this was announced, it did not take long for a group of nine other EU countries to follow Poland’s lead. The other nine countries complained that they had been forced into spending money on COVID vaccines they did not want or need. They were in difficult economic times, and this was not the time to be spending money needlessly. These countries began asking for greater transparency on the agreement with Pfizer. They wanted to know what was in the original negotiations between Pfizer and the EU Commission.
“What was promised? We would really like to know,” said Belgium Ambassador Pierre Cartuyvels. “Our country is signed on to a vaccine agreement with Pfizer and they are asking to at least see the original agreement.”
Pfizer is Suing Poland Over COVID Vaccines
Now, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is taking the Polish government to court over missing payments for 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. The timing of the lawsuit comes as Poland prepares for a change in government following its October election. This has been the culmination of a 19-month battle between Warsaw and Pfizer over deliveries of vaccine doses.
Nonetheless, the root cause of this issue can be traced back to the enormous 1.1 billion-dose contract the Commission signed with Pfizer in 2021. This has become very controversial, and the reported missing exchange of text messages between Commission von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Bourla in the negotiations of this massive contract doesn’t help matters.
“Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking to hold Poland to its commitments for COVID-19 vaccine orders placed by the Polish Government, as part of their contract to supply the European Union signed in May 2021,” a spokesperson for Pfizer stated.
Pfizer brought the civil case before a Brussels court because the doses were purchased through EU joint procurement contracts, drawn up under Belgian law. The first court hearing was scheduled for December 6, 2023.
Over a Billion Doses – Way Too Many Vaccines
In 2021 the Commission signed a huge contract with Pfizer for up to 1.8 billion doses of its COVID-19 vaccine for the EU member states. This was a joint purchase agreement, negotiated by the Commission on behalf of EU countries. Of those, 1.1 billion doses would eventually be ordered.
Also, this agreement tied countries into buying doses that, it turns out, they would not need or want. There was no transparency in the negotiation of this agreement nor in the final agreement itself. The size of the contract has been a problem for the Commission ever since von der Leyen’s refusal to discuss any personal role she may have played in the negotiations became known.
In April 2022, then-Polish Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced the country would not accept any more vaccine deliveries from Pfizer. He said Poland had invoked a “force majeure clause” in the contract. Niedzielski cited the financial strain caused by the influx of refugees from the Ukraine war and the economic disruption that followed.
Niedzielski also explained that the pandemic was virtually over and the situation meant there was less need for vaccines. At the time, the Polish government was led by populist firebrand Mateusz Morawiecki of the Law and Justice (PiS) party, and on many issues, Poland was largely isolated.
Nine Other Countries Join the Dissent
After Poland’s dissent to the agreement, it did not take long for nine other countries to also start complaining. While they didn’t go as far as halting deliveries, they did complain that they had been trapped into spending money on vaccines they didn’t need at a time of economic turbulence.
These countries pressured the Commission to re-open the agreement and renegotiate it in their best interest. They raised the issue repeatedly in meetings of the EU Health Ministers. The Commission was able to get commitments from Pfizer to reschedule some deliveries, however, this did not go far enough to appease the complaining countries.
All across Europe, as fewer and fewer people were being vaccinated, vaccination rates flatlined. Countries outside the Central and Eastern European nine countries also started joining the call for a renegotiation of the agreement. They all were asking for greater transparency on the original negotiations between Pfizer and the Commission.
In May this year, the Commission announced a substantial renegotiation of the agreement. It was reduced by an unspecified amount, the number of doses outstanding, while the deliveries would also be more spread out, into 2026. Poland, however, refused to sign the newly revised agreement.
The Timing is Notable
The news that Pfizer was ready to sue the government of Poland came now. The timing is notable because it came after Poland’s October election. In that election, PiS lost its ruling majority and the opposition won enough seats to put the center-right moderate Donald Tusk in power.
Pfizer is presenting Tusk with a large bill, which could reach as high as 1.2 billion Euro based on a price of 19.50 per dose. It also comes at a time when Poland’s usually strong economy is at a low point. However, for Pfizer, it’s a clear signal to any countries that may want to wiggle out of paying what they owe.
But it will be a pickle for Tusk, who will want to keep good relations with Brussels and may feel more pressure to honor agreements negotiated through a Commission joint procurement contract.
The Pfizer spokesperson said the decision had been made “following a prolonged contractual breach, and a period of discussions in good faith between the parties.” In comments, Polish Health Minister Katarzyna Sójka said that it was a difficult case, but that there was a chance to end the dispute “in a positive way.”
EU Countries Want Out of Pfizer Agreement
This is a great sign for the EU and the rest of the world that these shots should be banned everywhere. People have seen the harm that these shots have caused the past three years and the people have had enough.
In this article, Public Vote of “NO CONFIDENCE” On New COVID-19 Vaccine Booster, the author shows that here in the US, only 3% of the population are getting the new COVID booster. People have seen through the lies and are not rolling up their sleeves anymore for this bioweapon shot.
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Caroline Chang has been the producer and podcast host of Awake 2 Oneness Radio for 8 years. She is also the founder of the KYLE Foundation (“Keep Your Light Expanding”), named after her son who is in spirit, and co-founder of Universal Oneness Alliance. Caroline has been on the front line of the Truth and Freedom movement since March 2020. She is a speaker, author, and mentor to many who are dealing with difficult life situations.