Richard Pan To Propose Heavier Mandatory Vaccine Enforcements As ‘Outbreak Vulnerability’ Rises

richard pan vaccines
Photo by Dr. Richard Pan, Assemblymember

California is notoriously tough on the issue of vaccines. It has been two years since the state enacted draconian mandatory vaccine laws, pushing vaccine rates to the record levels. However, even though by some accounts vaccine rates are soaring, the real narrative might well be the pockets of resistance.

In California, its against law to avoid vaccinations for your children over personal beliefs if you want your children to attend public school. Many parents are learning how to homeschool, while others are obtaining doctor notes that exempt their children. The rise in homeschooling serves a likely unaccounted for variables in the total numbers of partial of fully unvaccinated among the state’s population.

But its the failure in public schools that are seemingly creating even more fascist law potential. As stated, vaccine numbers are up, but the pockets of resistance are swelling.

A new Los Angeles Times analysis has state officials feeling a bit uneasy over draconian measures which were intended to eradicate anyone who doesn’t kowtow the vaccine narrative.

But at 105 schools in the state, 10% or more of kindergartners had a medical exemption in the school year that ended last month, according to a Los Angeles Times analysis of state data. That was nearly double the number of such schools in the first year the law was in effect.

Senator Richard Pan, the original author of SB 277, isn’t about to take any of this lying down. He’s making two notable moves to help wrangle in the “outliers” who aren’t falling in line. Pan introduced SB 1424, which is intended to stop online dissent against vaccine efficacy (as well as anything else – think gun control; think three genders; think anything that’s not in line with the California politician’s that be). The law doesn’t specify vaccines in the nature of its target, so inevitably, it could be used for any dissent. The law would prevent California online businesses from spreading “anti-vaccine propaganda.”

Pan also wants to crack down on doctors giving exemptions. The recent case of Dr. Bob Sears being punished for “improperly exempting” a child from vaccines is an example of the tone Pan would like to set statewide, in more formal terms.

“People are getting fraudulent exemptions,” Pan said in an interview. “If we continue to see abuses, then I think there should be some thought as to how to address it.… People need to realize this is about the safety of their kids.”

Sears has declared war on mandatory vaccines following his medical board punishment.

The anti-mandatory-vaccine movement is now being seen as a staunch, motivated, and energized opponent. Liberal politicians in the state are now understanding that a new day has risen, and that day is one that brings an even more contentious battle over parental rights than they had before. This isn’t what the state’s elites expected.

Photo by Dr. Richard Pan, Assemblymember

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