Texas Endures National Outcry After Vaccine Stats Are Posted

New data in the state of Texas shows that 57,000 students claim at least one non-medical vaccine exemption, a number that has the state’s health officials in a frenzy. That’s a jump in 4,000 students from one year ago.

The numbers were released by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services and sparked immediate online debate.

California’s Democratic Senator and the author of SB 277, California’s strict mandatory vaccine law, attempted to assure the nation that Republicans mostly want vaccines.

Other people shared a poll that claimed 80% of Texans prefer mandatory vaccine laws.

The above Tweets show politically charged examples of those who want mandatory vaccine laws trying to convince the herd that the herd does also.

This is all to combat a statistic that clearly shows a rise in exemptions. As per the usual, parents taking the choice of their children’s medical status into their own hands upsets those who don’t share their views and opinions. So, laws begin being forced down everyone’s throats.

Here are the latest poll results being called “fake news.”

One thing is for sure, the battle over parental rights in Texas will be hard fought. The state has a reputation for its libertarian, independent roots.

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