Health Officials Alarmed: Texas Vaccine Resistance Up 20-Times Over Past Decade

Texas has always been known for its libertarian and conservative foundation. It seems with vaccines, the trend when compared nationally, remains exactly in line with such beliefs.

A new study has four major cities in Texas listed as “anti-vaccine hotspots.”

The study, published in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal, has Plano, Fort Worth, Austin and Houston listed as national “hotspots” where health officials are proposing that a high potential for a disease outbreak exists. This means these cities have higher vaccine exemption rates than most other cities in the country.

The study was accomplished by a Houston “vaccine scientist” named Dr. Peter Hotez who now believes the United States is due for a disease outbreak. Of course, blaming the anti-vaccine movement fosters a deeper divide nationally over the matter, something it is likely Hotez clearly understands. The name of the game is divide and conquer.

Hotez specifically focuses on Austin Waldorf, a private school in Austin, which has an incredibly high vaccine resistance number.

“Some of the private schools like the Austin Waldorf school has 40 percent not getting vaccinated and I’ve been writing about how I think we’re in for trouble in the Austin area,” Hotez said via CBS Austin.

Hotez says that since 2003, vaccine exemptions listed as “non-medical” are up 20 times.

Hotez says that herd immunity in Texas is collapsing and another Disneyland might be on the brink, specifically in Austin.

“When the rate of immunization is less than 90 percent, that’s when children’s risk is really great. It’s extremely contagious and the measles became very real when people saw the outbreak at Disneyland,” Brown said.

If Austin were to have an outbreak on the scale of the Disneyland measles episode, no one would likely die (that’s just pulling CDC results from the cited incident whereas no one died).

The problem for government officials is that Texas is far from a liberal stomping ground where government overreach is passed with relative ease. Texas is likely to resist any mandatory vaccine agendas in staunch fashion. SImply put, these are not people who are easily pushed into any confiscation of parental rights.

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