The FDA’s Summer Plans: Kill the Children Next

by Fed Up Texas Chick

Summer is upon us, and most of us are thinking of sun and fun. However, the FDA is cooking up and ready to implement a few of their sinister plans.

As of December 2021, there were 200 COVID-19 shots under development. Yes, you read that right. More than 200! At least 100 have already entered human clinical trials. The World Health Organization (WHO) justifies the high number, saying that only 7 out of 100 moves to human clinical trials. Yet roughly 50 percent of these injection tools have moved into human clinical trials, far exceeding the norm.

Critically Thinking Question #1:  Why are there so many COVID shots in development?

Profit is certainly a primary motivator. Just look at this article excerpt: “Last week, drug giant Pfizer told investors that it expects to make more than $50 billion off its COVID-19 medicines this year. Its jab is the most lucrative medicine in history, accruing $37 billion in 2021, and has sent its corporate revenues into the stratosphere. By the end of this year, the company hopes to bring in $100 billion — a sum that exceeds the GDP of most countries on Earth.”

Critically Thinking Question #2: Is profit the only motivator, or does the jab have a more sinister agenda?

Would we be surprised at another agenda? After all, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson, and Johnson (J&J) , AstraZeneca, the CDC, the FDA, and The WHO all lied to the world. They knew the jabs would cause damage, but they lied anyway. And the damage that has been done is on a massive scale. Dr. Naomi Wolf is one of many doctors bringing attention to the atrocities done by these companies and agencies. Wolf said that the crimes are “of such an extraordinary scale,” her group needs to hire over 160 lawyers just to sort it all out.

As if all of this is not bad enough, the FDA has a June lineup to get several more of these toxic jabs authorized in record time. The Washington Post first reported on this in April 2022, but the article was under-reported or, more likely, completely unnoticed. The FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory (VRBPA) Committee has five back-to-back meetings planned to push more toxic jabs on the public. The meetings are not yet posted on the FDA’s Advisory Committee Calendar, but to get an idea of what is discussed at these meetings, here’s a link to the April 6 meeting. All meetings are open to the public via remote teleconferencing due to maintaining the facade of “pandemic fears.”


First on the agenda is the FDA approval of Novavax’s COVID-19 jab for adults. The product is a recombinant nanoparticle jab sold under the names Covovax and Nuvaxovid. Basically, Novavax has engineered a baculovirus that contains a gene to create a modified SARS-CoV2 spike protein. The spike proteins are made in the lab, harvested, put onto a synthetic lipid nanoparticle, and formulated with a saponin-based adjuvant to enhance the immune response of certain white blood cells.

To learn more about the toxic ingredients in vaccines go to DrTenpenny’s sister site, for a 7-part course on Problematic Vaccine Ingredients. 

Recombinant proteins are not safer than mRNA products. They just fail in different ways. The adjuvant is not well studied, but it is proprietary to Novavax, so learning more about it and seeing safety studies isn’t going to happen.

Novavax clinical trials showed no reduction in hospitalizations or deaths. After the first two months, there seems to be a small reduction in the risk of getting ill, but we will never know the real risk/benefit of this shot. Six months after the study began, the control group was given the shot, making long-term data impossible to interpret. The FDA clearly states that the adverse events from this shot include the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. 

Critically Thinking Question #3: Why is the FDA probably going to approve this?

The product is not yet approved in the US but it is in other countries. A look at the company’s press releases shows shockingly fast approval activity for the month of May. Filings for use were filed in the EU, Taiwan, Great Britain, and Australia. New Zealand filed for use in children ages 12 to 17. The shot was approved for use in Singapore. The FDA has projected first-quarter financials are projected to be extremely profitable.

Novavax executives are depending on a favorable recommendation from the June 7 VRBPA meeting, and leading to FDA approval in the fall.  Furthermore Novavax’s manufacturing partner, Serum Institute of India (SII), recently completed a successful FDA inspection. The SII is owned by Cyrus S. Poonawalla, an Indian billionaire who transformed SII into the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world. They currently  produce over 1.5 billion vaccine doses per year for measles, polio, influenza, and have recently added  COVID-19 shots to the mix.

Novavax CEO Stanley Erck says they have perfected the manufacturing technique to be competitive on a commercial level just in time for an October release of their updated formulation to target the Omicron variant for the US fall jab campaign. The company slogan is “Ushering in a new era of revolutionary vaccines” and they are certainly living up to the mantra.

Several foundations provide funding to Novavax. In 2015, the company received an $89 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a jab to vaccinate pregnant mothers against the human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

In March 2020, Novavax received a $4 million grant followed by a $384 million grant for evaluation of the company’s COVID jabs in healthy adults.  The funding was provided through the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations was founded in Davos, Switzerland in 2017 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Coalition is headquartered in Oslo, Norway with locations in London and Washington, DC. In July 2020, the US government fed Novavax $1.6 billion during Operation Warp Speed.

Moderna and Pfizer

The next move is about Moderna.  They are seeking to expand the approval of Spikevax, from aged 18 and older to include children 12 years and above.  Their original application was filed June 2021 but the meeting was delayed over concerns of myocarditis.

Throughout the month of June, meetings are planned to lower the eligibility age of the Moderna shot to young children as young as 6 years of age. Pfizer it taking it even further: they want their product injected into small children as young as 6 months old.

Why are the FDA and CDC even entertaining the thought of approving these experimental jabs for our babies and children under age 5? The CDC’s own data shows there is no COVID emergency for this age group. As of February 2022, about 75 percent of kids aged 0 to 11 had natural immunity. Going into the summer months, that number is likely much closer to 100 percent.

These two measures are likely to pass the FDA with flying colors, particularly given that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) just deemed everyone age 5 and older is eligible for a Pfizer COVID-19 booster:

“CDC now recommends that children ages 5 through 11 years should receive a booster shot 5 months after their initial Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination series. Since the pandemic began, more than 4.8 million children ages 5 through 11 have been diagnosed with COVID-19, 15,000 have been hospitalized and, tragically, over 180 have died. As cases increase across the country, a booster dose will safely help restore and enhance protection against severe disease.”

The CDC is also now recommending a fourth shot – a second booster – for immunocompromised children over age 12 and adults over age 50.

What about the injuries?

It is perplexing and extremely troubling that the CDC and FDA are still approving these pseudo-vaccines, despite more and more published peer-reviewed literature saying that immunity rapidly fades with each additional COVID shot.

The latest example is a study published May 13, 2022, by the JAMA Network Open showing that people had rapidly declining levels of neutralizing antibodies after the second and third Pfizer dose. Neutralizing antibodies target the virus and stop it from replicating, but the study shows that antibody levels started dropping as early as three weeks after the booster.

In short, repeated boosting does not work, and more and more doctors like senior scholar Dr. Amesh Adalja from Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security are saying repeated boosting is not a viable strategy.

Forbes first reported the JAMA Network Open article findings and also reported that in states that have the highest injection rates – such as Maine, Vermont, and Rhode Island with a more than 75% injection rate – there is a much higher occurrence of Omicron and other illnesses.

The Moderna and Pfizer data are even more troubling for children. Several Nordic countries, including Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, suspended the use of Moderna’s jab in teenagers because of the myocarditis risk, and Finland and Sweden forbid it in men under age 30.

There is no Moderna clinical trial data available in kids under age 12, so the fact that the FDA would even consider this should wake everyone up. The data Moderna does have shows that the jabs make “no difference on clinically significant outcomes including infection, hospitalization, ICU visits, or death.”

The Pfizer mRNA shot has been shown to not work well in kids. The company has had two failed clinical trials, reported in their own press releases, for kids aged 6 months to four years in December 2021 and then again in February 2022. The FDA delayed action in this age group after the second failed trial.

Critically Thinking Question #4: Why is the FDA considering this when there are two failed clinical trials?

The truth is that the Pfizer jab is not effective after only ONE month for children aged 5 to 11, as shown by the NY State Department of Health. After six weeks, the effectiveness was a negative (-41) percent, meaning that jabbed children were more likely to catch COVID than the unjabbed.

Further, the Pfizer jab has demonstrated unprecedented and catastrophic harm to children: Nearly 50,000 VAERS reports on adverse events in children which include numerous fatality reports.

Keep in mind that VAERS is likely unreported by a factor of 41 to 100%.

But that’s not all.

The FDA will likely end the month of June with its Future Framework for Covid-19 extravaganza, possibly the worst idea in the history of public health: They are going to use the flu strain selection process as a benchmark and apply it to future COVID shots.

Doing so means that all future shots will be automatically deemed safe and the FDA will not require further clinical trials because the future jabs are biologically similar to existing COVID jabs. For example, Moderna has already talked about formulating a shot for the Wuhan and beta strains of COVID-19 even though both strains are barely in circulation.

Keep in mind that the approach does not work well with the flu, given that 2021 data shows the flu shot formulation was only 16 percent effective. But if the FDA passes this, we will have randomly assigned and many Covid-19 shots in perpetuity.

Critically Thinking Question #5: Was this the plan all along?

Yes, this was the plan all along.

In an article entitled Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide, Dr. Naomi Wolf reveals her horrific discovery of the evil genocide plans surfacing from the Pfizer document releases. (Her article is long but is a MUST READ.)

The FDA knows and Pfizer has known since December 2020 that the mRNA “technology” does not work as they claim. This is known as “vaccine failure” in the industry, e.g. the universally accepted concept of occurrence of a specific disease in an individual despite previous vaccination. Pfizer definitely knew that heart damage occurred in teens a week after receiving the jab, yet the FDA proceeded to roll out the unapproved, experimental technology under the umbrella of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).  No one publically discussed the risk of heart damage until August 2021, and at that point, it was too late. Thousands upon thousands of teens had already received the jab. Pediatric Cardiologist, Kirk Mihoan MD, stated in a January 5, 2022 interview:

I think there’s a lot of myocarditis under the radar (under reported). A recent study on elite athletes out of the big ten colleges showed that when they looked at the cardiac MRI, almost 50 percent had or myocarditis that were without symptoms.

Pfizer also knew that children could be exposed to the spike proteins without being jabbed by skin contact, inhalation, or lactation, so it’s untold how many babies and children were exposed by contact with their jabbed parents.

Athletic teens are collapsing on playing fields around the world. As of June 1, 2022, 1090 top athletes around the world had had cardiac arrests; 715 have died.  Why has this not gotten the attention of everyone in the world? 

Pfizer knew this too because their own Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings show the product has a side effect of fainting so violently that you may hurt yourself. It was important enough to disclose to the SEC for financial reasons, but not important enough to share with parents who needed the information.

The FDA’s June lineup for approvals is both sickening and terrifying. By the end of this month, these death agencies and companies will likely have the approval to jab 6-month-old babies.

Let that sink in.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.

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