January Update: Operation VaXX Samoa – A ManMade Measles Epidemic?

By Maryam Henein, Vaxxter Contributor and Founder, HoneyColony

UPDATE: As of January 6th, 2020

There are currently no travel restrictions or vaccination requirements for those traveling to Samoa. Additionally, proof of MMR vaccination is not currently required for Samoans traveling to Australia, New Zealand, or the United States. Only travelers to American Samoa are required to provide proof of vaccination for MMR.

Currently, the outbreak is declining with 30 new cases reported between December 29, 2019, and January 5, 2020. As of 8.30 am January 5th, 2020, there were 16 measles currently admitted at the Tupua Tamasese Meaole Hospital (TTMH) including 4 critically ill children in ICU/HDU.

Emergency Medical personnel with their Samoa counterparts proceeding with the Recovery Phase from the crisis with EMT from Japan returning home last week after two rotations. And the Leulumoega District Hospital is now in the capable hands of our friends from Save the Child EMT.

The 3rd rotation from the Pasifika Medical Association has also arrived to continue their valuable contribution during the recovery phase.

And the first rotation of 7 doctors from the Samoan Doctors Worldwide Volunteer Service Group has also joined the combine humanitarian drive to normalize health services in Samoa.

On December 14th, the Samoan government announced they extended the State of Emergency by two weeks to December 29. This is due to a large number of deaths blamed on measles. Critics believe this “epidemic” is a blueprint for forced mass vaccination campaigns soon to arrive in the United States and across the world.

There have been 83 measles-related deaths in Samoa reported to date, most of them children, says Asenati Semu, of the Prime Minister’s press and communication division. There were 2 fatalities (one infant and one adult) between December 29, 2019 and January 5, 2020.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi extended the date to the end of the year in order to administer vaccinations to the remaining 16,000 persons who have yet to be inoculated. Or as Newsline put it, “most of the work is now concentrated on an aggressive mop-up drive for the estimated 16,000 who are still unvaccinated.”

The most recent report is that the government has vaccinated 95 percent of all “eligible” people in the country, while just a week ago, the government reported the rate to be around 56 percent. There are only 200,000 Samoans but that is still fast when you consider that the national campaign only started on November 26. They mass vaccinated the population in less than a month.

Medical doctors reported that, during the measles outbreak, parents were taking children home from the hospital despite them remaining critically ill and potentially jeopardizing their children’s health. A newly proposed law, expected to be tabled in Parliament, would require all children to be vaccinated in order to attend school.


Digging Deeper into the “Measles Outbreak”

The government points to the increase in vaccination rates as the reason for the decrease in deaths. Others aren’t so sure that’s true.

According to a press release from the Samoan Government, samples taken from the first 20 “suspected measles” cases were sent to the Victorian Infectious Disease Reference Laboratory in Melbourne, Australia, only seven turned out to be measles when they lab-tested. That was enough to ANTICIPATE an epidemic, even though the suspected cases were treated conservatively and discharged.

Approximately 200 samples from suspected measles cases have been sent to Australia for testing. Only 48 cases, less than 25% were confirmed to be measles. On November 22, the Samoan Government stated that routine laboratory measles testing is no longer recommended.

What? Why?

The government needs to release the data on what the other 75% of “suspected measles” cases turned out to be. “What would the implications be if over HALF of ‘measles’ cases in Samoa were actually not measles at all,” wonders citizen journalist Allie Duzett via Facebook.

Measles is known for its rash and high fever. If someone doesn’t have a lab test on hand, it may be difficult to determine what the actual diagnosis is. Several tropical diseases, including Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya, can appear very similar to measles. Zika infections can also present with a fever and a maculopapular rash (measles-style rashes).

Nearby, other Pacific Island nations are dealing with dengue outbreaks. The Cook Islands, which has a 99% measles vaccination rate is having a dengue outbreak, according to the CDC.

In November, Tonga said it would re-vaccinate up to 20,000 people after dozens of people with measles were found to have received both vaccine doses. The Ministry of Health confirms a total of  5, 697 measles cases have been reported to the “Disease Surveillance Team,” since the outbreak started in Samoa.

However, some argue that the outbreak was manufactured.

“The Pacific Islands (Samoa, Fiji, and Tonga) measles outbreaks are not natural outbreaks,” says Dr. Jim Meehan, via his Facebook page. Meehan has advanced training in ophthalmology, medical informatics, functional medicine, interventional endocrinology and nutrition. He is an expert in pain management, addiction medicine, diagnostic laboratory services, toxicology, pharmacogenetics, and the business of medicine.

“Nor are the infections following the course of typical wild-type measles infections, even if we consider the generally poor nutritional and potentially immuno-compromised status of the Samoan population. No, this measles outbreak in Samoa is clearly unnatural,” concludes Meehan.

The Origins of the Epidemic: Bad Vaccines?

The Samoans, unlike their Pacific Islander neighbors, had a much lower vaccination rate. Some blame this on a distrust of vaccines and government, which can be traced back to a case of two infants dying after being vaccinated in 2018.

According to NewAustralia, the nurses administering the vaccines had accidentally injected the children with muscle relaxants, which led to their deaths. The Samoan government temporarily suspended the country’s vaccination program after the deaths.

Critics also wonder what vaccine brand(s) were used to vaccinate most of the people in Samoa. UNICEF delivered a total of 115,500 doses of measles vaccines to Samoa on October 1. The same shipment contained syringes and safety boxes as well as supplies of Vitamin A.

“Doctors were using an Indian-manufactured MMR when all these kids died and then they switched. They weren’t allowed to use that batch of vaccines in Australia and New Zealand, but they imported it to Samoa regardless,” says a source who wished to remain anonymous. Another source sent me the insert from Serum Institute of India, confirming that at least this brand was used. I suspect others.


 Special Powers Are in Full Effect

  1. People report themselves and go to the doctor.
  2. People remain quarantined until they have been medically examined and found infection-free.



Suddenly, people who do not follow this will be fined $200 USD and $200 for each day thereafter of the offense.

Arrests will be conducted without the need for a warrant. They will be returned to the hospital or placed in isolation. Finally, ‘a separate charge and penalty ‘may arise’ under section 37: “Offenses in respect of infectious ‘diseases.’

The government is considering prohibiting parents from discharging their children from the hospital against medical advice.

“Law of Love” Or NWO Global Agenda?: Government VS Parents

On December 14, Ombudsman Maiava Iulai Toma also made it clear that parents no longer have the right to refuse measles vaccinations when it comes to the safety of children in a deadly health epidemic.

Maiava took into account the medical findings of the World Health Organisation and the UN Children’s Fund, to determine why parental rights in the care of the child should be overruled. Unicef, for instance, says that “if all children were fully vaccinated, 1.5 million lives could be saved.”

He is aware of the fears by parents and the general public with the deaths of two children from vaccination injections last year.

He said:

“These deaths were due to errors and not to the vaccine used. Statistics and internationally evaluated scientific research reassure us that vaccines are very safe.”

He remains convinced that the “risks associated with vaccination can never be totally eliminated but the benefits of vaccination in our view greatly outweigh the risks. On the other hand, vaccination has been shown time and time again to prevent illness and deaths from dangerous and highly contagious diseases  such as measles.”

The Facebook Samoan government pages feature smiling children who have been discharged, saved by vaccines. People on the ground, however, say they’re “hiding their children in jungles and attics” as the government canvasses the country for those remaining eight percent!

In 1893, Samoa experienced its first measles outbreak. “When the entire archipelago only housed about 35,000 Samoans, approximately 1000 of those Samoans died during the epidemic. Yes: 1/35 of the population died from that first measles epidemic,” writes citizen journalist Allie Duzett via Facebook.

What’s interesting is this: UNTIL a few months prior, measles had not entered this group. It was conveyed to Tonga, 500miles south of us, by the New Zealand steamer Upulu in June last, and from accounts, we have received it nearly decimated that group. The same steamer brought the contagium to our group nearly three months afterward.

During this outbreak, a Dr. Samuel Davies and his wife Fanny “Aolele” Stevenson had a 100% success rate with the measle when the native population was dying at a rate of greater than 1 in 35?

Duzett writes,

“Is it not remarkable that a regular doctor without the benefits of modern medicine and the American wife of a Scottish writer back in 1893 could treat measles properly and prevent death and complications 100% of the time—-but that this current measles epidemic in Samoa is leading to a death rate of 1 in 67?

What did Dr. Samuel Davies and know about measles treatment that the World Health Organization and other doctors in Samoa today do not know?

Could it be, as Dr. Davies pointed out, the importance of diet to the treatment?

“Nine-tenths of the deaths could have been prevented by care in diet,” he said back then.

It is known that diet, and sanitation, isolation can curb the infection. More than a thousand people died when the total island population was only 34,000. BUT no one that Dr. Davies and Fanny Stevenson treated for measles died. Why did current medical professionals in Samoa fail at keeping 83 measles sufferers alive (thus far)?

Also, were those 83 people who died vaccinated…or not?

“The outbreaks in Samoa and Tonga are caused by the D8 strain (genotype) of the measles virus,” according to Relief Web, the leading humanitarian information source on global crises and disasters. Relief Web is a specialized digital service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

By October 13, merely two weeks since the delivery of measles vaccines, there were 48 cases of measles with six deaths reported. The more vaccines brought into the country the more the measles spread. Isn’t that strange?

To deal with the crisis, the World Bank granted the country $12.8 million in health support for Samoa. They will also be rolling out the Samoa Health System Strengthening Program between 2020 and 2025. The total project cost is estimated at US$40.54 million.

Mercky Waters? Inquiries Shelved

Can you imagine having to place a ‘red flag’ outside your door to alert authorities you are unvaccinated? Or having to cough up paperwork lest you be vaccinated again? Some Samoans sense something murky is going on. But inquiries are being quashed.

According to Tuiletufuga, the same man I spoke with on the phone, “Public calls for a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the circumstances leading up to the measles crisis have been shelved by Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi until the time is right. In a nutshell, the Prime Minister says that to suggest a Commission of Inquiry in the middle of a crisis reflects the lack of ‘common sense’ on the part of the perpetrators. And he sees the timing of the public call as a ‘political gimmick’ to undermine the Government in bids to divert attention to suit their political agendas.”

Who are the perpetrators he is referring to? Parents protecting their children and the sovereignty of the person?

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister noted that the Samoan Government has been and continues to take responsible measures for the welfare of Samoa during and after every “natural disaster.”

Isn’t the time Right Now?

Why can’t an investigation be conducted when a large swath of the country has been vaccinated? He admits they are canvassing the country for those who want to be sovereign and OPT-OUT.

Samoa Today. All of the USA and Europe Tomorrow.

Think it’s not possible? JUST look at what vaccine injured children have to go through today? Censorship, shaming, trolling, discrimination, marginalizing, ostracization and more.

So Samoa, What Brand(s) Are You Using? 

According to the World Health Organization, the number of measles cases around the globe has jumped 30 percent since 2016, with resurgences extending from parts of North America to Southeast Asia.

Critics suspect that Merck may be dumping old stock on other countries, something it has done before with MMR1 (see below). Consider that a decade-old lawsuit brought on by two Merck scientists-turned whistleblowers which illustrate that the efficacy studies regarding the vaccine were fudged.

Read this False Claims Act regarding MMRII. Considering that the original MMR vaccine operates from a 57-year-old patent filed by Eli Lilly and Co., isn’t it time to stop?

While the vaccine is still listed, consider that the MMRII patent is not listed on Merck’s US website. Other drugs are.

Go here to read about the first generation of MERKY’s MMR, which also has a dubious timeline.

Making Medical Freedom A Crime

Edwin Suliveta Tamasese, a prominent activist and holistic healer discourages conventional medical treatments such as antibiotics and paracetamol/acetaminophen (known in N.A. as  Tylenol). He was arrested for posting smack about the vaccine program on social media.

Tamasese wrote: “I’ll be here to mop up your mess…. Enjoy your killing spree.” Tamasese was eventually released but is not allowed to speak about vaccinations via social media. Tamasese is Samoan but actually a resident of New Zealand. Another hearing is set for 2 April 2020 in the District Court.

Tamasese is also vocal on the importance of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation in areas where vitamin A deficiency may be an issue consists of oral administration of 200,000 IU (or 100,000 IU in infants) of vitamin A daily for two days to children with measles.

Children in Samoa are already reportedly malnourished. According to a survey conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization, on average, Samoan households consume only around 70 percent of the recommended vitamin A intake. Vitamin A is a necessary substrate for preserving epithelial cell integrity and in addition, plays a role in immune modulation.

Meanwhile, vaccines are already hard on the liver. Instead of allowing naturopaths to support the affected by replenishing glutathione reserves -the body’s master antioxidant – children are given acetaminophen. Acetaminophen can cause acute liver toxicity and severe damage leading to liver failure or death. There have also been studies that show that giving acetaminophen following MMR vaccine can lend to autism.

Then to top it all off they followed “the standard protocol” of prophylactically administering gut microbiome destroying antibiotics. The result of this combination can be disastrous.

Adds Dr. Meehan, “Consider what happens when you vaccinate an actively infected, nutritionally deficient, and immunocompromised child with live virus vaccines (measles, mumps, and rubella) or a combined MMR or MMR-like vaccine.”

Pharmacia ~ The Business of Sorcery & Complete Disregard

The Measles incubation period is from 7-21 days. Also, consider that it takes at least ten days from the time a vaccine is administered for an antibody response to develop. The antibody is the end game of vaccination, performed ostensibly to protect from illness and prevent viral spreading. That’s about the same length of time it takes for measles, and most other viral infections, to run its’ course. By the time everyone is vaccinated, the natural outbreak is mostly over. But of course, mass vaccination is given the credit for bringing the crisis to an end.

“This combined with quarantine is what fizzled out the outbreak, not the mass vaccination,” says pediatrician Dr. T, who wished to remain anonymous.

Isolation could be lending to the stabilization of the outbreak. Quarantine plays a critical role in stopping the spread of disease. Research shows that in closed herds/colonies of animals, quarantine is how the introduction of diseases is prevented.

Samoan Measles Outbreak: TIMELINE


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Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, functional medicine consultant, and founder and editor-in-chief of HoneyColony . She is also the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page. She is currently being shadowbanned, please follower her on Twitter  

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