Vaccine Safety March Takes On D.C. ‘Polio Was False Flag’

It is being billed as the “Revolution For Truth.” Dozens of people took to the streets of D.C. to send a message to our Government that they want vaccine safety. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave a closing speech to as the marchers ended their steps on Friday evening.

Activists held 80 meetings while in D.C. with Congressional members, according to Irene Pi, an organizer from Arizona.

“We’re being heard, and we’re going to enact change,” activist Jena Dalpez said.

The activist want to push President Trump on his rhetoric to push for vaccine safety. They don’t want Trump’s talk to turn into just talk; although, at the very least, he deserves some credit for putting together the Vaccine Safety comittee with Kennedy Jr.

Trump’s election win has spawned a new day for those seeking vaccine safety and those who are against any semblance of mandatory vaccines. That momentum was clear at the march. Many signs floated around the march including:

“Polio was a false flag”

“Jonas Salk was NOT a hero”

“No vaccine mandates”

Even the rain couldn’t keep these activist from marching.

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2 Comments on "Vaccine Safety March Takes On D.C. ‘Polio Was False Flag’"

  1. Is there a way to detox an infants brain after a mom has taken the prenatal DTAP vaccine? And will the DTAP contaminate future breast milk? What effects can a parent expect if the DTAP vaccine boosters are continued as recommended ?

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