WATCH: Vet Dramatically Takes On Pet Vaccine Industry

When it comes to vaccine dangers, those dangers are not only limited to humans. Pets are heavily marketed to by vaccine makers. In fact, pets have become a prime demographic.

Most pet owners don’t consider the potential hazards of vaccinating their dogs. Many just follow the recommendations by their vets. If you are a pet owner, here’s a look at all the vaccines you’d need to consider if you plan on going to a typical veterinarian.


That’s a lot of shots, to say the least.

But at least one vet is standing up (literally) and shouting to the moon regarding the dangers of pet vaccines. Watch his epic, unfiltered speech over the matter in the below video.

“Over-vaccinating and the overdosing of pet vaccines has become a global issue. 5 lbs dogs are receiving the same dose of the rabies vaccine as 150 lbs Great Danes, and vets are now witnessing terrible side effects.”

Are you monitoring your pets when it comes to vaccines? Are you doing the research, or are you simply going along with whatever your vet tells you to do?

For most of us, our pets are our children. And we should treat their medical relationships similarly Additionally, Pharmaceutical companies see pets as easy prey. There is a high ceiling in terms of revenue that can be made from the pet vaccine industry. Most people simply don’t question the medications assigned to their dogs.

Maybe we should start.

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