Why Are There So Many Hidden Genetic Sequences in COVID?

by Fed Up Texas Chick

All it took was a couple of emails from a Wuhan researcher, and POOF – documents that may have explained the SARS-CoV-2 virus origin were suddenly missing.

An organization known as Empower Oversight has battled with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to get those documents. Finally, after four months, the organization sued the NIH under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Isn’t it interesting how NIH, CDC and FDA usually have to be forced to give up the taxpayer-funded documents?

Empower Oversight finally received the documents, which you can read here.  Empower Oversight noted that the NIH staff made significant errors regarding the FOIA records transfer; nevertheless, the 238 pages provided crucial new insights and reveal an interesting chain of events.

January 2020: The ‘virus’ was detected in Wuhan.

February 2020:  Four prominent scientists did a complete about-face, changing their narrative from one of lab leak theory to natural origin theory. Soon thereafter, the four shared a $50 million payoff.

March 2020: The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic. That same month, a Wuhan researcher submitted virus sequencing information to the NIH, specifically through their Sequence Read Archive (SRA), the largest publicly available repository of sequencing data.

June 2020: The same Wuhan researcher made a second submission to the SRA, but later that same day, requested the NIH to retract the submission, explaining the posting was done in error. The NIH answered the researcher, stating that for the SRA, they preferred to edit a submission rather than replace it.  The researcher persisted, making another request a few days later to withdraw the submitted genetic sequence. The following day, the NIH agreed to withdraw the entire genetic sequence from the database. Hmm.

It is important to mention that the SRA database is part of a larger group, the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC). Both groups tout open, global cooperation and the open scientific record.

June 2021: Virologist Jesse Bloom discovered that the sequence had been removed, and immediately contacted the NIH to discuss it. After all, wouldn’t NIH want to know? The missing sequence could hold the key to understanding how the pandemic began. NIH was silent and their silence attracted attention. Bloom got publication fever. He was actually able to use Google Cloud to recover the deleted sequences. (Like Hunter Biden’s laptop, nothing is ever truly deleted forever).

Why is this important?

Bloom’s analysis showed that the sequences taken from the Huanan Seafood Market, referred to as the “wet market”, were not fully representative of the sequence assigned to the viral particle early in the pandemic. Recall the World Health Organization’s official report came after a visit to China that focused solely on the seafood market as a coronavirus source. Interestingly, one of the scientists who traveled to China on behalf of WHO was Peter Daszak, one of the four prominent scientists mentioned during February 2020 (above).

The continued silence from the NIH regarding the missing sequences even attracted the attention of media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal and Just The News. Indeed, Bloom’s article is what prompted Empower Oversight to usine a FOIA against the NIH. What did they know they weren’t telling?

What’s In Those Documents?

The documents reveal:

  • The NIH has repeatedly refused to go back to its own SRA database archives to try to recover the deleted sequences identified by Bloom.
  • Blatant attempts by the NIH to stonewall the US Congress.
  • An expert adviser to both Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins had alerted them early on than the viral sequence originated outside the Wuhan food market.
  • NIH staff  directed reporters to articles they liked, meaning articles that minimized discussion about the database deletion. For example a reporter at The Hill was directed toward a Washington Post story and away from a less favorable New York Times story.

And speaking of keeping genetic sequences shrouded in secrecy, Moderna also had some explaining to do. In February 2022, a group of scientists found a small part of genetic material in the spike protein of 2020 was an identical match to a sequence patented by Moderna early in 2016. Hmm.

Some scientists explain this away, saying it is a happy coincidence, given that the piece of genetic material has only 19 nucleotides and is infinitesimally small. They said the discovery tells scientists nothing about whether SARS-CoV2 was an engineered virus. They poo-pooed this finding away by saying the virus could have mutated to develop this specific sequence at the specific location that makes the virus—well, more virulent. Just an unlucky radom event….?

Research published in Frontiers in Virology  offered it was a 1 in 3 trillion chance that the Moderna sequence would ‘randomly appear’ via natural evolution and the genetic sequence would responsible for rapid infection rates.

Stephane Bancel, Moderna’s CEO, was interviewed by Fox Business reporter Maria Bartiromo on February 20, 2022. You can listen/watch the interview here. Bancel struggled to explain why a portion of a gene patented by his company is found in COVID-19. Bancel stated that his scientists were looking at the validity of the data published in Frontiers in Virology.

Bancel then admitted that the patented gene sequence could be in the SARS-CoV2 spike protein, and he had an interesting explanation for how it got there. He said that a lab in China was likely working on genetic modification for virus enhancement and that it could have been added by accident. In other words, was Bancel touting the lab leak theory and admitted to gain of function research?

Insignificant coincidence? Smoking gun? Criminal activity?

If a global pandemic doesn’t set the stage for transparency, nothing will.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.

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