Chemotherapy is one of the most side-effect laden medical undertakings in all of modern medicine. The medical-sphere pitches chemotherapy as the only real cancer treatment available, so many people simply look past the side-effects. Research into alternative cancer treatments is all but squashed by big pharmaceutical institutions which bank on chemotherapy being the only treatment (not cure) available.
A North Carolina woman named Tina Myers is adding to the list of potential chemotherapy side-effects. It is no secret that chemo can cause hair loss, more cancer, fatigue, nausea, infections, etc., but hearing loss? That’s what Myers is claiming via WFMY2 in Greensboro.
“They told me I had cancer which was very devastating because no one in my family ever had cancer,” Myers said to WFMY2 regarding her diagnosis. But following her Chemotherapy treatments, she says things went south in terms of her hearing.
“My kids were calling my name multiple times,” Myers said about her digression. “Or– mom did you hear the doorbell? Nope.”
“People would talk to me when I went back to work and I couldn’t quite get what they were saying,” Myers said.
Audiologist Marilyn Heinrichs says that “we know” Chemotherapy is “toxic to the ears.”
And this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this. St. Louis Children’s Hospital audiologist Sue Hayashi as she discusses one of her patients, Brandon, who underwent Chemotherapy treatment and subsequently experienced hearing loss. The child must now wear hearing aids.
Of course, researchers are working on a device that preserves hearing during Chemotherapy. Researchers at UIC and Northwestern University were working on the device back in 2014, however, it doesn’t seem that Myers was helped in any way by this.
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