30-Year Doctor Fired For Refusing Flu Shot

A 30-year veteran doctor in Pine River, MN has been let go by Essential Health for refusing to take a mandatory flu shot. This comes just a week following the firing of near 50 nurses and staff for a similar refusal. The Essentia Health-St. Joseph’s Medical Center Clinic found Dr. David Laposky out of compliance for his refusal which led to his subsequent firing. Laposky had been a doctor at the clinic since 1987.

And now? He’s retired, without choice, early. He still claims he loved the place.

Laposky said the following to Pineandlakes.

“I had several partners here and then ended up on my own for a couple years after they all left,” Laposky said. “Then I needed some help and asked the hospital to come in. They bought me out, and that’s how we became more of the Essentia clinic. (In) 1995 I think they bought the clinic from us.”

He wasn’t planning to leave.

“I always said I could work to 70,” Laposky said. “I just turned 60, but I was thinking probably another 10 years in some form of work. I fully expected to finish my career in Pine River. I love the town and the staff. We had a wonderful work setting there.”

The news is sure to come as a surprise to his many long-time patients, who will likely in term further scrutinize Essentia Health’s vile policy which forces intrusive medical activities on workers. Other vaccines, including measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, are also required by the health group.

It is mindblowing that a major health group could treat a 30-year doctor in such a manner. After 30 years, this is how his career with Essentia Health ends? We are in a bad state of being.

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