Dr. Tenpenny Joins Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano At Liberty Event

sherri tenpenny

Anarchapulco, the world’s premier annual conference for voluntaryist thinkers and activists, is dedicated to serving the needs of the community and its partners through educational events, entertainment, community outreach, and celebrations of free thinking and self-government.

Each year the event has grown exponentially and has attracted preeminent speakers from around the world.  We are excited to announce our line-up for this year includes former Senator Ron Paul, former Supreme Court Judge Andrew Napolitano, Doug Casey, Cynthia McKinney, David Icke….and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny! 

Dr. Tenpenny’s topic on the mainstage will be, “Gardasil: If I Had Only Known.” She will also be leading a two-hour workshop in the Wellness Form on “Are Vaccines Safe? Are the Effective?”  

Dates and times to be determined…but she will definitely be speaking at Anarchapulco. This year’s theme is LIFE UNCHAINED, perspectives on how to live a life free of chains.

When: February 14 to 17, 2019

Where: Acapulco, Mexico

REGISTER TODAY (time is running out)

If you have had the opportunity to hear Dr. Tenpenny’s video podcast on TheAnarchist, with Jeff Berwick, click on the picture below – she covers a ton of hot topics! Enjoy!




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5 Comments on "Dr. Tenpenny Joins Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano At Liberty Event"

  1. Angie Meyer | 07/23/2021 at 11:44 am | Reply

    How can we see your videos they are taken down UGGHH

  2. Looking forward to the live stream! Say hello to my pal Ron Paul for me!

  3. I hope you all, and especially Dr. Tenpenny reaches those unaware and make an impact.

  4. This movement quite possibly is our last best chance of getting our Constitutional Republic back! Love love love everyone in this event. We need to think big and expand! We all know the following of disaffected electors are far llarger than the dying media will portray. We need to create a blueprint of sorts that can assist folks to get incolved at the local levels and allow this to be duplicated across the country.

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