Follow Up: Regarding Our Article on Circumcision

by Dani Lasher

This week, Vaxxter released an article I wrote entitled, “Is circumcision a Human Rights Issue?” As expected, we received a large number of comments and we are pleased to report that the vast majority of comments were overwhelmingly positive.

That said, a few people voiced their concern regarding circumcision was a religious rite. We understand this is a delicate topic and, importantly, we respect all faiths. Our intent was not to discuss the religious perspectives surrounding the practice of circumcision but to explain the potential medical complications that can occur.

Questions about circumcision often arise. Assuming it is a benign procedure, many are not aware of the negative impacts the practice can carry. Most parents do not have enough information to make a fully informed decision and view this elective surgery as routine as “a round of shots.” While a boy may be circumcised in accordance with the religious beliefs of his parents, this does not exempt him from the potential for medical side effects and complications.

I believe people of all faiths deserve to be aware of this information before they decide to proceed with circumcision. I knew I could not adequately address the hazards of this procedure without ruffling some feathers. As a mother who circumcised her first son, I understand this well. I sympathize with the parents who find out too late there can be complications. This is rather like the parents who blindly trust their physicians regarding vaccines only to do their homework later, after their child has a serious reaction, or dies.

Blind trust in authority figures, including physicians, is never a good thing, not with vaccinating and not with circumcision. I feel I was misled regarding circumcision. After I did my research and learned the truth about circumcision – and how the foreskin is used by industry – I was able to make a truly informed decision regarding keeping my next two sons intact.

We are working hard here at to bring readers evidence-based, in-depth information and we have no intention of slowing down. Dr. Tenpenny has attracted a stable of strong writers and we have some edgy topics lined up for the future.

While Vaxxter’s primary focus will always remain on vaccines, we plan to also delve into medical and humanitarian topics that expose problems in our healthcare system, our government, and our world.

If we don’t push the envelope to discuss difficult topics, nothing will ever change

We know some of our readers are not going to be pleased with some of our upcoming information about vaccines and other topics, but that makes the information no less true. We don’t aim to be “politically correct” – we’re aiming at exposing the truth with facts and references you won’t hear about anywhere else.

We realize we can never please everyone, but we hope you’ll stay with us. Expand your thinking and stretch your views as we expose and explore the facts with you.

Thank you all for the feedback; we wanted to let you know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed.

~~Dani Lasher for


Dani Lasher is a writer, motherhood coach, and health advocate living just outside of Washington, DC. While passionate about informed consent and women’s birthing choices, she’s also slightly obsessed with city living and cooking. You can catch up with Dani at her site, BumpMama.


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