Happy 2019 – Update from Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Happy 2019 Everyone! Can you believe we are 1/3 way through the month already!?!

It’s been a while since communicated with many of you about the Big Projects I have been working for the last 18 months. But I’m getting back in touch to share exciting developments with you!

It’s been quite a year for Courses for Mastery, our company online vaccine educational company. We have been working hard and you’ll see the full result in 2019.

Here’s what Courses4Mastery accomplished in 2018: 

1. Our Beta Boot Camp course ran through May 2018. Every week, a new module was released and our open forum class discussion with our students was each Thursday night. In our Beta Group, we tested our course materials and made adjustments. Much of the advanced material will be soon available at the advanced educational portal, VaccineU.

2. Our first, full 8-week Vaccine Boot Camp Training was launched on July 20. We worked hard, but part way into our enrollment period, Facebook shadowbanned our reach literally to zero – the only way we could reach our fans and followers was through a continual Facebook live! Nonetheless, more than 200 enrolled from 31 states and 8 foreign countries. We had a wonderful 8 weeks together, discussing vaccine topics and going through LIVE language training every Thursday night. When the course and training ended on October 4, everyone was pleased and excited by how much they had learned and grown through the training and how much more confident they were to share vaccine information with family, friends – and even total strangers!

3. On November 6, we opened MVI-Page2 – to continue the learning. Page2 is a private membership designed exclusivel for those who have completed the Boot Camp course Imagine doing an emersion study in French. Unless you continue to practice what you have learned, how soon you will forget!

So, every Tuesday, a Point to Ponder video discussion topic is posted with a short assignment which is designed to continue the discussion, develop your confidence and lock-in your skills. Almost everyone who completed the Boot Camp join Page2, so you will continue to learn and grow with like-minded friends who are the same page as you are. Page2 is a private communication board built REPLACE FACEBOOK communication among members. So you never worry about FB spies and trolls again! Matt and I post regularly in Page2 – so you have ongoing, direct communication with us too.

4. Due to technical difficulties, we’ve had some technical problems, there has been a delay in opening VaccineU and re-opening the Vaccine Research Library, which has been rebuilt and renamed DebunkingVaccination. We anticipate these will be coming online soon…and we’ll let you know!

5. In December, I traveled to the Isle of Man to join a team of “heavy hitters” who are working to bring the vaccination issue to the forefront not only in the UK, but all across Europe. I will be giving you updates about this throughout the upcoming year.

We have much in store for you in 2019, both here at Vaxxter.com and with my new company, Courses4Master.

But be sure to mark your calendars: Open Enrollment for the Spring 2019 Vaccine Boot Camp Course will be February 21 through February 26…and the Boot Camp Course will run from March 4 to April 26, 2019If you’re not yet on the list, go to www.MasteringVaccineInfo.com and enter your email, OR text 555888 and put MVI in the subject line.

So, until we meet again, stay safe and be well!

Dr. Sherri and Matt

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