HPV Now ‘Epidemic’ In Men As Mandatory Vaccine Push Grows

michael douglas hpv
Photo by david_shankbone

A new war on parental rights is rearing its ugly head. Its been gaining momentum over the years, however, a new push in New Jersey to make it harder for parents to bypass the HPV vaccine for their 7th-grade children has rendered it a new thriving assault on rights.

For parents in New Jersey to get their children removed from the Gardasil shot list, they will need to provide extensive reasons as to why their religion doesn’t condone it and get that documentation officially notarized. This is simply a new step to further frustrate parents into a shell of their former parental-selves. And its another solid step in abolishing parental rights and turning out kids over to the state.

The core component of the HPV vaccine mandate is “cancer prevention.” That’s the hook that’s to be used to reel in the herd to give up their God-given rights. And with the help of celebrities such as Michael Douglas, it is working.

Douglas has made HPV a widespread topic of discussion after he publically announced his battle with oral cancer. An illness he claims he got from oral sex. The mainstream media is pushing a narrative that our youth has “gone wild” and without an HPV vaccine early in life, we are leaving them high and dry and, well, ill.

This issue used to focus only on women, however, with the help of Douglas (potentially unwittingly on his part), men are now coming under the microscope. In fact, the Chicago Tribune is now saying that “HPV is causing an oral cancer epidemic in men by outwitting natural defenses.”

“Men are four times more likely than women to be diagnosed with oral cancer,” the article states.

“…changes in sexual norms over the last few generations have played a role in this alarming trend.” It goes on.

The article subtly mentions smoking and alcohol use as a cause for oral cancer before going full on that oral cancer in men is the next plague.

While virtually all sexually active people will get infected at some point, the virus is usually wiped out by the immune system without so much as a symptom.

But not always.

In the cervix, persistent infection with high-risk HPV types can lead to precancerous changes that, left alone, slowly turn malignant. Fortunately, the Pap smear enables the detection and removal of abnormal cells before cancer develops. What’s more, age-related changes in cervical cells reduce the risk that HPV will take hold there as women get older.

No such screening test exists for oropharyngeal sites  the tongue, soft palate, tonsils, the throat behind the nasal cavity  and symptoms usually don’t appear until cancer is advanced. Becker, for example, had metastatic disease by the time he noticed a lump under his jaw line in late 2015.

Traditionally, smoking and heavy alcohol use are the big risk factors for oral cancer, but the non-HPV tumors linked to these bad habits have been declining in recent years.

This is the mainstream media setup. Fear mongering by using words such as “epidemic.” The casual ignoring of viable risk factors that affect the rate of infection (alcohol, smoking). And the widespread push for vaccines as a moral parental obligation. Oh, and the use of a celebrity face never fails to arise.

As I’ve always said, mandatory vaccines were never about to stop at Polio and Rubella, or Measles. The parents who thought that would be the case are now waking up to a harsh new reality. They were suckers. And what’s worse? This won’t stop with vaccines, either. In the years to come, SSRIs, Ritalin, and a variety of behavioral medications are sure to be proposed as mandatory.

Photo by david_shankbone

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1 Comment on "HPV Now ‘Epidemic’ In Men As Mandatory Vaccine Push Grows"

  1. Michael Douglas first sought medical help in 2010 after experiencing a sore throat that persisted for a protracted period of time. After several visits to doctors, a tumor on the base of his tongue was discovered. With further analysis, it was determined that Mr. Douglas had stage IV squamous cell carcinoma oral cancer. He immediately began both radiation and chemotherapy treatments. After a long and difficult battle, Michael is now cancer free and in good health. He continues to have regular check-ups to monitor his remission.
    Douglas appears to not live a very healthy preventative lifestyle, alcohol and smoking his entire adult life… I would sincerely doubt HPV is the cause of his throat cancer..he must have made his body opportisticly fertile for HPV.

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