Misinformation and Collusion at the CDC

By Fed Up Texas Chick, Contributing Author

Incredibly, the 15-member panel of academic and pharmaceutical “experts” known as the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously on October 20 to add these death jabs to the children’s immunization schedule. Journalist James Grundvig outlines the horrific play-by-play of this committee in his excellent article Child Sacrifice via the Covid Death Cult (CDC) Advisory Committee.

In children, COVID-19 is mild and easily treated. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, these jabs are neither clinically indicated nor medically necessary. Still, the ACIP voted 15-0 to unanimously add Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax to the 2023 immunization schedule for ages 18 and under. There are many, many issues with these so-called vaccines. CDC released its own VAERS data just eight days after this decision; as of October 28, there have been over 5,000 adverse events and 45 deaths just after the booster updates. In total, VAERS is showing nearly 1.5 million adverse events reports from all age groups since the COVID shots were first made available to the public. Approximately 260,000 are serious injuries and there have been nearly 32,000 deaths.

McCullough correctly states we “don’t have any assurances that these are going to be safe over the short or even longer term.”

So what gives? How can 15 experts know about data like the VAERS reports, yet unanimously approve of giving these injurious experimental mRNA injections to mere children?

Could one reason for this 15-0 compliance be that Moderna, Pfizer and CDC are all in ‘bed’ together, figuratively speaking? Journalist Sharyl Attkisson seems to think so. In her excellent report, Attkisson shows that the CDC actually supplied offices to both Moderna and Pfizer, where all three shared a public relations (PR) firm.

Does it get ANY cozier?

Attkisson cites research by Paul D. Thacker regarding Weber Shandwick, the world’s second largest PR firm. This is a blatant case of undue influence. Despite knowing that Weber Shandwick counted both Pfizer and Moderna as private sector clients, the CDC still issued a PR contract to the firm. This means that the same talking points for the CDC are generated by the same PR firm that works for the vaccine manufacturers. Oh, and by the way, Weber Shandwick also has Sanofi and Glaxo Smith Kline vaccine makers as clients, too. This is a colossal conflict of interest. Huge.

It begs the question: how involved is Weber Shandwick in formulating public vaccination policy, and how influenced are they by their private well-paying clients to shape that policy in favor of Pfizer and Moderna? Interestingly, Weber employees have cited their duties, via their social media, as “boosting vaccination rates” for COVID-19, flu and other diseases.

Indeed. The CDC first awarded Weber Shandwick a $50 million contract in September 2020.

Does CDC Care?

It appears the answer is a resounding ‘no’.

Despite CDC officials being notified that their data was wrong regarding COVID-19 child deaths, the CDC ignored the data and never issued any corrections. Epoch Times has the full story here, but suffice to say that CDC used a non-peer reviewed single study as the primary source of whether to recommend the COVID-19 jabs for babies and toddlers.

CDC advisors, Drs. Katherine Fleming-Dutra and Sara Oliver, were told that the statistics from a study preprint were wrong. In typical government bureaucracy fashion, the CDC discussed the matter. In fact, emails obtained by the Epoch Times showed CDC actually discussed the issue fairly extensively.

Instead the ACIP committee ramrodded through the authorization of Pfizer and Moderna shots for children as young as 6 months of age. In true form, the CDC quickly accepted the recommendation.

This isn’t the first time the CDC has swept a pesky data error under the rug. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky actually admitted that her agency wasn’t exactly performing stellar safety monitoring in 2021. The full story is here, but suffice to say that the CDC “forgot” to analyze certain adverse event reports. They didn’t start with the data analysis until 2022, but stated that it went on in 2021. Walensky actually is aware that her agency gave this false information. She said as much in a letter but offered no explanation of why this falsehood happened, nor did she offer remedies for preventing it in the future.

It also appears that the CDC delayed reporting of myocarditis. You can read the whole paper here, but suffice to say that the CDC delayed its reporting of jab-related myocarditis by at least three months after the first significant VAERS reports rolled in. Keep in mind that VAERS is CDC’s responsibility. The authors state that CDC’s actions (or lack thereof) meant that 120 million Americans were in the dark, and proceeded with one or more doses of the jab, never knowing the heart risk that had started to unfurl. Myocarditis is sadly a word we now know all too well.

What is going on at the CDC? These glaring examples pretty much answer that question for us all.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.

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