Why You Should NEVER Sign ‘Refusal To Vaccinate’ Document

Via Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines


The Refusal to Vaccinate document was created by the CDC or the American Academy of Pediatrics ‘legal department’ as a response to the growing number of toxic vaccines recommended by them and the growing number of parents who are becoming educated on this issue. According to CDC recommendations, our children should now receive 37 doses of vaccines between 0-16 years. [See Vaccine Schedule]

This document, now being used to overcome vaccine awareness, is the most diabolical strategy possible! It is unlikely that physicians have any idea what they are asking their patients to sign . . . or to sign away. It is essentially a signed confession. So please read and understand why no one should sign it and why it is really something other than what it appears to be.


Here are 12 reasons why no parent can sign this document unless they are interested in being statutorily charged with neglect or intentionally causing harm. Repeating more boldly: this document, if signed, could be used to have your child(ren) removed from your custody! It was created to stand up in court, which is why they require the parent’s signature to be “witnessed”?

The document attaches a child ID # that will be identifiable in the electronic records system across the country. Everyone from the school to the NSA will be able to determine who is and who is not vaccinated.

The scientific term for HPV vaccine is listed to discourage parents from making the connection to the dangerous vaccine for HPV called Gardasil. [See Gardasil: Former Merck Doctor predicts greatest medical scandal of all time]

Establishing a vaccination history is part of the Police state registry system being set up to track your vaccination status.

The CDC Vaccine Information Statement is pure unadulterated propaganda. The vaccination information coverup was documented and exposed in an extremely important paper Health Hazards of Disease Prevention (2011). Also see info about the CDC – #9 (below).

Again the parent is misled to think the truth about vaccine risks is on the CDC web site.The doctor has the vaccine package inserts right in his/her office. Why is it not offered and explained to the parent? The physicians themselves may or may not have read them. However, physicians are certainly aware that if the parents read the ‘official risks’ put out by the drug corporations, they would refuse the vaccines. Full disclosure is almost NEVER a part of the process.

“I understand the following: The risks and benefits of the recommended vaccine(s).” This of course would be agreeing to a false statement. You cannot understand the risks without reading and understanding the package inserts, therefore how can you answer in the affirmative? And what about all of the vaccine facts that aren’t even listed in the package inserts that have been ‘covered up’ for many years?

Parents are falsely told that without vaccines their children could suffer dire illnesses but are not told the dire illnesses/injuries the vaccines themselves could cause . . . including death.

This refers to the “herd immunity myth” of 1933, which has been proven unscientific over and over and over again. Simply put: if other children have been vaccinated – and the vaccines work – they won’t contract a disease from your child.

Entities are listed as “strongly recommending” the vaccine schedule. Again however, parents are NOT given full disclosure as to exactly who/what the entities are and what their motivations might be. Listed on the Refusal to Vaccinate document are the following entities and a brief description of their motivation:

  • The ‘physician’ – is rewarded for administering vaccines by higher reimbursements for his fees. His vaccine “rates” are checked to determine whether or not he/she is entitled to more money. Physicians, public health workers, and drug companies have all been given immunity from any possible lawsuits that may arise as a result of vaccine-caused injury or illness. In other words, if a vaccine harms your child or causes autism you cannot sue any of them. They all have a liability exemption.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS – that receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their journal, etc. This organization relies heavily on what they falsely believe to be a “government” health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
  • The American Academy of Family Physicians which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF KANSAS – that also receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their journal, etc. This organization also relies heavily on what they falsely believe to be a “government” health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
  • The Center for Disease Control (CDC) which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies and a sordid history of corruption. [See: CDC Exposed]

Bottom line: all of the above “entities” make more money if they vaccinate our children and even more if our children get sick from the vaccines . . . including the pediatricians themselves.

This is the broadest and most nefarious part of this document.
“Nevertheless, I have decided at this time to decline . . . I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger the health or life of my child and others . . . I therefore agree to tell all health care professionals in all settings what vaccines my child has not received because he or she may need to be isolated or may require immediate medical evaluation and tests that might not be necessary if my child had been vaccinated.”

This is not only deceptive and untruthful [see numbers 2-8] it is asking you to confess that you know you are harming your child (and others) and don’t care. It is asking you to agree to inform any/all people who represent themselves as healthcare “professionals” (not defined) of your child’s vaccination record. You are also consenting to allow undefined healthcare professionals to remove your son or daughter from your care and place him or her in isolation for unproven or unknown exposure to a myriad of undefined communicable diseases – with or without testing.

This is an admission that you understand this contractual document – and its significance – ‘in its entirety’. This means that you accept the false information sited as factual, chose NOT to do what you now know to be good for your child and others (are negligent), obligate yourself to embarrass and confuse your child by tracking and reporting on the vaccines you protected your child from, and give permission for your child to be tested or removed from your care and put in isolation for any ‘supposed’ exposure to any ‘undefined’ communicable disease by anyone calling themselves a healthcare worker. [Ohio Revised Code 3701.13]

In short, the form wants you to attest to the following . . . in writing and in the presence of a witness:

  • You understand you are signing a contract with performance requirements
  • You accept false information as factual and don’t care
  • You don’t care if your child or others are harmed by your decision
  • You agree to volunteer to all pretend healthcare workers your child’s vaccine record
  • You agree to allow others to test and/or isolate your child for unproven exposure to a disease

Here is the kicker. As you are asked to sign, initial and date this document in front of a witness, should a custody dispute ever arise (either between parents or with Child Protective Services) this document could be used against the mother or father that signed it.

In defense of physicians, they have been told – via the instructions accompanying the Refusal to Vaccinate document – that parents could sue them should their sons or daughters come down with any of the diseases vaccines are supposed to prevent. Their fear of being sued is why physicians are so insistent that parents sign the Refusal to Vaccinate document.  An excellent alternative, for both physician and parent, is the Vaccination Notice.  This notice corrects misconceptions about vaccines, the herd immunity myth, and the CDC. It also brings the liability (or lack thereof) to the physicians attention. See The Vaccination Notice.

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6 Comments on "Why You Should NEVER Sign ‘Refusal To Vaccinate’ Document"

  1. markinidaho | 06/21/2021 at 3:58 am | Reply

    Dr T. I’ve followed your work on and off for a long time. This Refusal to Vax article was just forwarded to me. It appears to be from the printable format. As good information like this is presented, it is very helpful to present it/format it so a normal person can read and retain the information. The simple way to do this is format to limit line lengths to 80 characters. The brain does not cognitively process the words after 80 characters very effectively. It returns to full cognition at the start of the next line if it can find it easily. Long lines make this difficult.
    Great information deserves to be presented for maximum impact to the reader.
    The web site appears to have about 90 characters per line. OK but not best.
    65 character lines are optimal. The document formatted for printing uses 130+ characters per line. Many of us still use computers, rather than smart phones, so these long lines are a challenge.
    I hope you take my comment as helpful and not critical. Your message is critical and people need to hear it in the best presentation possible.
    Thank you for your decades of dedication to not only our children, but everybody.

  2. Dr. Tenpenny,
    I have wanted to thank you for being honest and trying to protect our children. I vaccinated my first three children, much to my shame. One of my boys almost died and one has autism. I know I can’t go back but I often wonder what life would be like had I been introduced to your work before I vaccinated. Thank you.

    God bless,

    • Collen – thank YOU so much for your kind words. It’s comments like this that are incredible blessings in my life that sustain me to continue this work. I’m so glad I could play a small role in the health of your children, but you did the work. Your children are lucky to have you as their mom. ~~Dr Sherri

  3. >>> what can a parent do if they have signed it in a rush while their children >>> are just antsy to get out of the Dr’s office!?


  4. what can a parent do if they have signed it in a rush while their children are just antsy to get out of the Dr’s office!? Is there a way to destroy the document?

    • Yes. Those are YOUR medical records. You can as for the for back. You can ask to void the current form; if it is a paper, put a red ink line through it and write VOID. You can write a letter to your doctor, rescinding your signature and you are withdrawing consent rendered on the form that you filed.

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