New Scare Tactic: Don’t Fall For Fall COVID

Once again, we are being tortured by the mainstream media. They are bombarding us with articles about the frightening new dominant COVID variant.

The CDC is calling it the summer surge of BA.2.86, a highly mutated form of the SARS-COV-2 virus that has been detected in the US, Denmark and Israel. This new lineage is said to carry 36 mutations from the current widespread dominant variant XBB.1.5. Maybe 36 variants will scare us. After all, the strain directed at children didn’t strike the fear as planned, so now we have this one.

Not to worry, the CDC is on the case, tracking every twist and turn of the new variant. The World Health Organization (WHO) is, too. There is no evidence that this latest variant causes more illness, hospitalizations or deaths than prior variants. In fact, as of August 14, there were only 6 documented cases worldwide: 1 US (in Michigan), 1 UK, 1 Israel and 3 in Denmark (the first case was detected July 24). Hardly a new pandemic. One report claims only four identified cases as of August 17.

BA.2.86 is different than EG.5, a descendent of the Omicron strain, and better known as the Eris subvariant. For EG.5, Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos and discord. On a side note, Eris was a character in the 2003 animated film Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. Michelle Pfeiffer voiced the character and I also found it interesting that Sinbad’s ship was named The Chimera. A chimera is a substance, such as an antibody, created from the proteins or genes of two different species. Sound familiar?

Anyway, Eris caused barely a ripple in the public when stories came out about infections and hospitalizations in the US, Europe and Asia. Here is the truth about hospitalizations: they were at an all time low in June 2023, so being up 40% from that is not earth shattering. AND overall, hospitalizations are more than 90% below peak January 2022 Omicron “outbreak” levels, and this is according to the CDC’s own data.

Was Eris a big nothing burger, so now the powers that be have moved on the BA.2.86? Of course, BA.2.86 stems from a different branch of the coronavirus not targeted by the current vaccines, so that means we need new vaccines or updated vaccines that will cover this particular variant. Health authorities are greatly worried that many countries have drastically reduced testing, so of course, it hampers efforts to analyze the new BA.2.86 genomes. You may have it and not even know it. Egads!

The powers that be are all worried and all saying the trajectory doesn’t look good right now. They’re citing the speed at which new cases are being identified, but they also just told us there are only six (or four) cases. The usual narrative about a rise in hospitalizations is still in play, but as we already know, everything was counted as a COVID hospitalization in the past. Why would it be different now?

What’s up? The narrative doesn’t jive. While fear over lack of testing runs rampant, the CDC says they are more prepared than ever to test this new lineage and respond to COVID-19 variants. What gives?

Is it possible that the narrative is being created to push a new round of C-19 jabs? Of course it is. In fact, Moderna has a new and improved booster ready for fall. Moderna uses all the right buzzwords to sell its latest wares. This jab has neutralizing properties! This is jab #6. Jabs 1-4 were mRNA and protected under the emergency use authorization (EUA) which has long since passed. Jab 5 is the omicron booster jab, released last fall, and still under EUA despite its gargantuan failure. Isn’t it interesting that Eris is still in play as an omicron variant? Could this be to keep the EUA and this product in play?

Not to be outdone by Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech and Novavax also have jabs ready for a fall rollout. However, many virologists expect that Eris will clear out by early fall, so this booster will be irrelevant in six weeks. Just say no!

Actually, it appears many people really are saying ‘no’. In 2021, about 73 percent (240 million) people got at least one jab when they first came out. A year ago, in fall of 2022, demand for vaccines dropped sharply, with fewer than 50 million getting the shot. In fact, COVID-19 vaccine makers have already said they expect to have less than stellar sales this fall. Last year, Pfizer and Moderna combined had $56 billion in sales worldwide, but this year is expected to only be $20 billion. Pfizer, the largest maker of mRNA shots has already warned that it might have to cut jobs. What a shame.

Virologist Jesse Bloom says that the new variant will likely have even greater escape from antibodies than XBB.1.5, so any vaccine developed will be useless. Bloom suspects that BA.2.86 is less transmissible than any current dominant variants, and therefore is not suspected to widely spread.

I found it interesting that Kaiser Family Foundation spokesperson Ashley Kirzinger said in a New York Post interview that healthcare providers will be “fighting declining concern about the virus, as well as fatigue and skepticism about the merits of this vaccine.” Fighting? Interesting choice of words. Why not educating? Kirzinger went on the say that public health officials are going to have to make the case to the American public that COVID isn’t over and it still poses a risk to them. Hasn’t this always been true though? Public health officials always have to make the case, and perhaps truth and education is a better approach than fighting the public.

After the COVID health emergency ended, the government largely handed COVID care over to the private sector. Is the government regretting that decision? New CDC Director Mandy Cohen reminds everyone that the new fall jabs still need to be authorized by the FDA and recommended by the CDC. These will be authorized just like the other ones, with scant or non-existent clinical trials and a cover up of adverse event data. Why should we expect anything different? Cohen also went on to say that Americans should consider the shots as “an annual measure to protect oneself, in line with the annual flu shot.” And there it is. Interestingly, Cohen says that she is seeing no major shifts in the variants: “they’re still susceptible to our vaccine, they’re still susceptible to our medicines, they’re still picked up by the tests.”

How convenient. And indeed, Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Novovax have all created versions of this COVID vaccine to try to match the variant(s) they expect to circulate this fall. Just like the flu vaccine which is largely hit or miss. Conveniently they say the fall shots are aimed at XBB.1.5, EG.5 and another sub-lineage of the ever-dominant Omicron strain. They’ve covered all the bases.

Are the new variant scares a way for Resident Biden to lock us all down again? It sure seems so as the mainstream media beats its war drum. Conveniently, Biden just established the the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR). The X22 report has some interesting details on this but I wanted to note a couple of key points. First, the OPPR will take over the duties of the current COVID-19 Response Team and Mpox Team. Why on God’s green earth do we need an MPox team? How much of our taxpayer money is going towards that? Second, the press release uses the usual political rhetoric: “to ensure that our country is more prepared for a pandemic than we were when he (Biden) took office.” Yeah, right. Third, the OPPR is a permanent office. Why? Because they never plan to end the fear of the next pandemic, that’s why.

Alex Jones reported this week that TSA and Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) officials leaked that Biden is setting the stage for full COVID lockdowns this fall. They’ll begin just like last time, with incremental changes like masking up. Remember “two weeks to stop the spread?”

The whistleblowers said this is not a matter of “if” but “when”. By mid-October, we’ll likely be into full masking and lockdowns. Time to stand up and call out the real COVID variant BS.24.7. We’re not going to take it this time. As Dr. Tenpenny said in her Sunday Substack, here we go again. Don’t fall for it. Do not comply.






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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work. 

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