Something Is Terribly Wrong in Maui – Part 2

In Part 1, we asked these questions: How far would the globalists go to prove that climate change exists? Would they catch an island on fire?

We have author Dr. Miles Stones who published a book on Amazon the day after the fires. Stones previously published books were on Hunter Biden and the vegan diet, hardly making him a climate expert. Jeff D. Noble also published an Amazon book; he has previously written books on the F-15 aircraft and the Chinese spy balloon. Are they real people? Opportunists? Or pawns in driving the narrative?

Is this incompetence or is this planned?

Was it a plan for the fast-moving fire “bomb” to incinerate Lahaina? The median price of a home was $1.2 million before the blaze, already pricing most people out of the market. Residents are concerned that affluent outsiders will be the only ones able to rebuild. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a native people was displaced, now would it? Over 80 percent (about 2,700 structures) were destroyed. Many of the town’s historic houses have been handed down within local Hawaiian or local-born families for generations. Was the wildfire the solution to that pesky problem? Developers are already contacting families to buy their land. Insurance companies are already denying payouts due to zoning infractions, despite the fact that they kept taking owners’ payments and never informed owners about these zoning issues.  Maui residents know the drill. It took years for Kauai residents to get government aid or insurance funds to rebuild after Hurricane Iniki. What will these people do in the mean time? Where will they live?

Governor Green, an ER doctor who once practiced medicine in rural Hawaii, has come to the rescue, revealing a state government plan to acquire the land ravaged by the wildfires, purportedly to protect the land from greedy developers. In July 2023, Green signed executive order Emergency Proclamation Relating to Housing, giving himself broad power to suspend laws that block his ability to respond to natural disasters or pandemics. The state legislature rejected these ideas but Green passed the EO anyway in response to the islands’ housing shortage. The EO gives a select few power to streamline decision making so that more homes can be built to stop the outmigration of people from the islands. More native Hawaiians now live on the mainland, and essential people like nurses and teachers can’t afford to live there. About 25 percent of the population is at risk of becoming homeless due to the high cost of living. The law suspends zoning, historic preservation, cultural considerations and environmental impact. For example, downtown office buildings in Oahu can now be converted to residences, thanks to the EO. The select few are no longer required to hold public meetings, although Green vows to be transparent. One of the select few is Hawaii’s housing officer who will oversee construction of 50,000 new homes.

Someone should ask ‘deep-blue’ Governor Green whether it was planned all along for everyone other than the affluent population to be ushered into the coming 15-minute cities.  Has anyone actually asked him this question?  We wrote about the false allure of 15-minute cities in January of this year. Think of a smart city as an open-air concentration camp. Your every breath will be tracked, and your movement will be greatly limited. Everything about you will be known – what you buy, what you eat, what you drink, how you think and feel, and certainly your vaccination status.

Many cities around the world are already well on the way to transforming into 15-minute cities. It’s happening in Singapore, London, Bogata and Paris to name a few. The Australian government has passed a law that allows them to forcibly move rural residents to smart cities IF their area becomes contaminated with dangerous toxins. Sound familiar, Ohio? In the Netherlands, the government is actively trying to destroy 3,000 farms to usher in a monstrous smart city, the TriState City Network, that will house 40 million people (mainly farmers, I guess) from The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. The justification for the forced land takeover?  You probably guessed it: climate change and an excess of methane in the environment caused by farting cows!

But this doesn’t touch American shores, right?

Yes, smart cities are coming to  America, and we can thank President Obama for that. In the last months of his presidency, Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology encouraged the adoption of smart cities. That same year, in 2016, cities like Atlanta and Pittsburgh appointed chief information officers to begin smart city adoption. They would get help from AT&T, Siemens, IBM and Black & Veatch. And they would make the taxpayers pay for it by issuing green infrastructure bonds, all in the name of climate change. Washington DC raised $350 million and Seattle nearly $1 billion – from their own citizens. The federal government would also provide funds to each state for 5G infrastructure, but the money came with a stipulation—each state had to have a plan in place to launch smart cities.

Don’t believe me? Read the report for yourself. That was seven years ago.

After hearing these plans, is it really so hard to believe that Maui could have been decimated to usher in a smart city? It might become more plausible when you hear that turning Maui into a 15-minute “smart island” was discussed at a January 2023 Smart City Conference in Maui. In fact, these smart city conferences happen quite frequently; there was one in Miami in January as well, with a climatologist as the keynote speaker. A friend who lives in Florida tells me she can Google any county and it shows anticipated dates for smart city implementation.

And if something unfortunate were to befall a Florida city, a smart solution might just be the solution. For instance, Hurricane Ian devastated Fort Myers in late September 2022. By February 2023, city officials were ready to implement a smart city because of the exploding population growth. They are focusing on the downtown area by making the “downtown appealing so you don’t have to go outside of the downtown for a grocery store or for a gas station or for a dry cleaners. We really want to make this the 15-minute city,” said Fort Myers Director of Economic Development Steven Weathers. He went on to say it can promote more green spaces and cut down on carbon emissions (but he failed to mention the 24/7 monitoring.) Officials went on to say that “as southwest Florida grows, more 15-minute communities are likely.” If it can happen in Fort Myers, can’t it happen in Maui? Yes, it can.

You see, Forti tells us that Lahaina had a pesky problem. Developers had signed a contract to build high rise condos and businesses, but the town couldn’t (and wouldn’t) allow any new development due to size limitations. The pesky old and large Hawaiian community was in the way of the developers. But now that it is a wasteland, development can occur. See how it works? For some time now, tracts of land have been bought up by shell corporations. No one on Maui knows who is behind those corporations. Is it foreign interests? Is it Bill Gates, who is buying up American farmland? (We wrote about this in February).

Come to think of it, Paradise, California residents didn’t want a high-speed rail coming through their town. They were in the way, too. Maui islanders are putting the puzzle pieces together. They suspect a major power play and land grab. They’re probably right. (p.s. Hawaii, ask your governor)

Was this orchestrated? Did Green have help from Maui police chief John Pelletier, who just happened to be the incident commander during the 2017 Las Vegas massacre, the deadliest mass shooting in America’s history? Or is this just another strange coincidence?




What is not a coincidence is that next month, in September, the Hawaii Digital Government Summit will be held in Honolulu. The conference is purportedly gathered to discuss the desire to have AI largely govern the island. Opening remarks are being given by none other than Governor Green. The keynote address is titled Transform Adversity into Advantage: How to Conquer Life’s Hurdles, a talk about adopting the “new normal mindset”. I mean, you just cannot make this stuff up. Just like you can’t make up the fact that Joe Biden said he is “laser-focused” on making sure each Maui resident gets $700 (while we send billions to Ukraine). Like I said, you simply cannot make this stuff up.

Listen to the Locals

Many local reports, like this one from Laura Aboli, are coming in from people saying that the local government is not being transparent. They are expecting 500+ fatalities, many of whom are expected to be children because school was canceled that day, but work wasn’t. So, many parents were working and were not at home to evacuate their children. Emergency hurricane sirens were not activated so the children never knew to take shelter. Fire fighters thought the fire was contained and reportedly left the scene despite expecting 70+ mph winds from Hurricane Dora that very afternoon. Did this happen? Local residents are saying it did.

According to Dr. Forti, the Maui fires started upcountry in the agricultural section of Maui. All resources were sent there, leaving Lahaina completely unprotected against the wall of fire that would engulf the ancient seat of the Hawaiian kingdom.

You can feel it in your gut. These fires are not at all normal. James Grundvig outlines his theory that a concoction of chemtrails was a preparatory layer designed to dry out the vegetation and serve as a flashpoint for the spark; Maui residents have been fighting the chemtrails since at least 2011. That spark was perhaps the DEW, and Grundvig wonders whether the fire’s incredible intensity came from the 30 tons of ammonium nitrate that disappeared from the California train. Was it just dumped on Maui? Time will tell.

In Maui, while the ground is still burning and children are still missing, the battle for the land has already begun. Climate change is different than climate terrorism, and many pieces of the puzzle point toward the latter, at the hands of our own US government, but the rest of us are expected to just sit back and lament that farting Hawaiian cows or winds from a hurricane hundreds of miles away caused this devastation.



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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work. 

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