New Study Proves Flu Shots Are A Scam


The push to get the public at large to get flu shots is one of modern history’s greatest hoaxes. Even President Trump has called flu shots “bad stuff.”

“I’ve never had one. And thus far I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body. And that’s basically what they do. And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with…. I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu. You know, that helps my thinking. I’ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.“

The problem is, however, for most people, a flu shot is their right of passage at their office. Co-workers and employers notoriously bully one another into receiving the vaccines. Additionally, some professions, particularly in the medical field, even threaten to fire those who don’t comply. But year after year, the flu shot is proven to be useless. And now, a new study is calling out the science that’s always been the supporting pillar for pushing the flu shot agenda.

The study, published Friday in PLOS One, has determined that the science and data used to justify mandatory vaccinations on health workers is severely flawed.

“I take it myself,” lead author Dr. Gaston De Serres said. “The reason why I do that is I continue to have the impression that it could work. But it’s one thing to say: ‘OK, on a voluntary basis, you get the vaccine despite all its weaknesses,’ and it’s another thing to say, ‘If you don’t get it, you get fired.’”

Here’s the study’s conclusion:

The four cRCTs underpinning policies of enforced HCW influenza vaccination attribute implausibly large reductions in patient risk to HCW vaccination, casting serious doubts on their validity. The impression that unvaccinated HCWs place their patients at great influenza peril is exaggerated. Instead, the HCW-attributable risk and vaccine-preventable fraction both remain unknown and the NNV to achieve patient benefit still requires better understanding. Although current scientific data are inadequate to support the ethical implementation of enforced HCW influenza vaccination, they do not refute approaches to support voluntary vaccination or other more broadly protective practices, such as staying home or masking when acutely ill.

So, the flu shot doesn’t work. And forcing people to get a shot that doesn’t work – doesn’t work, either.

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4 Comments on "New Study Proves Flu Shots Are A Scam"

  1. Cynthia Ward | 02/05/2017 at 4:06 pm | Reply

    I recently wrote a research paper for my Masters degree in nursing education on this subject. One thing that always stands out to me is that more people than ever get the flu shot but the numbers on the CDC website do not change. One would think that these numbers would be improving.

    What many do not realize is that there are “over 200 viruses that can cause influenza and influenza-like-illness and each involve the same primary symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, cough and runny nose.” (Cochrane, 2014).

    One need only to refer to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) to find out just how much has been paid out in compensation for injury as a result of the influenza vaccine. A health care facility should carefully examine the evidence, ensure that policies are lawful, and make decisions accordingly concerning vaccinations. Similarly, health care providers, including nurses, are educated and capable of analyzing the facts to make determinations for his or her health. Some media outlets say the science is settled about vaccines but my question is this: When is the science ever settled? The FDA, at one time, deemed every drug that has ever been recalled, safe and effective.

    One author stated it best when he said, “Compulsory vaccination, at the expense of personal freedom, should not be accepted in the absence of very strong evidence and the evidence base for the claim that vaccinating healthcare workers against influenza protects their patients is heavily flawed and inconclusive at best” (Abramson, 2012)

    • Sherri Tenpenny, DO | 02/05/2017 at 10:25 pm | Reply

      Excellent comments and observations! Thank you for your post – and you’re correct, the science is NEVER over, especially when there is a huge body of evidence that is being ignored that proves vaccines cause harm.

  2. I had 2 flu shots this year I haven’t felt good since. I lost weight, hair falling out, legs and arms hurt, tired all the time. My doctor took lots blood work. The one shot I was the new one. My I was told that there are side effects. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

    • Dr. Sherri | 02/01/2017 at 3:47 pm | Reply

      Peggy – first of all, why did you get TWO flu shots? Do you know the brand name or manufacturer? See if you can get the package inserts from both shots to see how much mercury they had. The multidose flu shots still have 25mcg per shot – if you had two, you may have had a double dose and that may be part of your symptoms. Be sure to go to and file a report.

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