Protests Erupt Over Unvaccinated Child Ban In NY Suburb

unvaccinated ban protest

Last week, health officials in a suburban New York county banned the unvaccinated from public spaces. Under the state of emergency, unvaccinated children are no longer welcome in public areas due to the threat of measles. The ban has caused a number of protest throughout Rockland County. Some parents are fighting school policies, as well, as the vaccine war continues to get worse.

Lainie Goldstein told the Journal News that her child was asked to not return to school until he receives the MMR vaccine. The MMR vaccine, in part, includes the measles vaccine.

“I feel like I am being bullied right now to go get vaccinations,” she told the paper. Goldstein was one of 10 parents at a local pediatrician’s office around noon to get their children vaccinated.

Parents packed the Palisades Center mall in West Nyack in protest of the unvaccinated child ban. The protest was named “Rockland County — Unvaccinated Civil Disobedience,” on Facebook’s events.

“This is about healthy people being quarantined and barred from public places,” Rita Palma of Long Island, one of the women who gathered at the mall this morning, told the paper. “People have a right to choose for their own children and make their own decisions.”

Some news outlets are calling the measles outbreak a “crisis.”

Protests are expected to continue over the course of the next 25 days as the ban continues.

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12 Comments on "Protests Erupt Over Unvaccinated Child Ban In NY Suburb"

  1. Jean Johnson | 04/02/2019 at 9:05 pm | Reply

    People who get MMR vaccine shed the virus for a period of time and can endanger other people who are susceptible. MMR vaccine could be causing the outbreak. MMR vaccine does not give longterm immunity. Only Measles disease gives longterm immunity. Women who have had measles disease protect their babies for 1 year. Vaccinated mom’s cannot protect their babies. Those babies are at danger of contracting measles disease.

  2. L Spagnoli | 04/01/2019 at 7:09 pm | Reply

    Thalidomide= birth defects
    Vioxxx =deaths
    Opioid= epidemic
    Mandatory vaccines= ADHD, Autism, Asthma, Peanut allergies ect,ect.

  3. M Lorraine Cook | 04/01/2019 at 12:52 pm | Reply

    the vaccinated are the carriers and the spreaders,, it is the exact opposite of what they brain wash people to believe, Time to wake up!!!!!!!

  4. We need to make the officials who are acting outside of their oath, not upholding the constitution accountable. Vaccines are not risk free. We have all heard the argument “what if my baby gets the measles and has a serious consequence because your child was not vaccinated?” My response is absolutely as valid but the media and many in the medical community are silent when you say, “what if my child has a serious adverse reaction, including death as a result of the vaccine?” Parents and NOT the government decide what risk is worth taking. If we do not win this fight, then make no mistake we will have no say at all over your very life, our body, or our children!

    The “take back your power” movement uses some very powerful legal responses in documents which I believe should be used and are absolutely relevant in this situation. Such responses/actions will make these officials PERSONALLY LIABLE, for their actions!

    • Great answer, Tara, and absolutely correct. In addition, “What if my child contracts measles or chickenpox from the vaccine-strain virus after being exposed to your vaccinated kid?”

  5. If their kids are vaccinated then shouldn’t that “protect” them, that’s IF their vaccines are sooooo effective? I also think that the school should be liable if something happens to one of those kids who gets hurt by the vaccine since they all shun from liability!

  6. Do not be bullied!! Stand your ground!! If you truly believe they really are dangerous and unsafe and they are then WHY are there a small line at odes office? Get out of there and go home!!!
    #novaccines #BelieveMothers #Rockland #RocklandNazis #NY #VaccineInjury #VaccineMonsters

  7. I was thinking same think BUT it was HER choice in the end…#novaccines was the way to go..and stand their ground!!

  8. right and I think it’s less than that…four or less actively

  9. It’s not even 150… that’s how many since last year…the new amount active cases lol is less than 4 but their offices wouldn’t even say they knew how many.

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