The Truth Behind The Chicken Pox Vaccine

Photo by Marufish

Article by Shawn Seigel, host of the weekly radio broadcast, “The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust.

Let’s start with two mainstream definitions:

From the Mayo Clinic: “The disease [chicken pox] is generally mild in healthy children.”

Chicken pox is a benign disease.

In the UK, the vaccine isn’t used, because the advisory panels didn’t feel the illness severe enough to warrant it. The key, as with all infectious diseases, lay in the Mayo Clinic’s statement that in healthy children, chicken pox is a mild illness – that is, complications aren’t expected, complete recovery is usual, and the child then has typically a lifetime of robust, natural immunity. Moreover, there are studies that tell us that febrile infectious childhood illnesses are associated with protection against cancer later in life, yet we never read of these beneficial effects in the mainstream. (source)

Chicken pox parties were common in mid-20th century America, as were measles/mumps parties. Parents wouldn’t have been willing to send their kids out to be exposed if the respective diseases were known to be dangerous. The mortality associated with those diseases had dropped by over 95% between 1915 and the 40s (well before the advent of most of the vaccines), by which time they were indeed benign – and still are. Again, the very few associated deaths – typically a fraction of a percent, one per several thousand cases – were by no means random; they were in children who were already in poor health, immunologically compromised. (source)

What about the vaccine side effects?

The other side of the coin is the history of injuries, including death, caused by vaccines – information also rarely if ever provided in the mainstream. Regarding the chicken pox (varicella) vaccine specifically, the package insert includes a list of adverse reactions. Among those noted by the manufacturer during a clinical trial are both upper and lower respiratory infection, as well as an ear infection. More critical are the reactions reported post-marketing, among them anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, necrotizing retinitis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, varicella (vaccine strain), encephalitis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, meningitis, pneumonia and herpes zoster (shingles).

While the post-marketing reports in and of themselves don’t prove causal relation to the vaccine, nor, certainly, do they disprove it, and most parents would be surprised to know that Health and Human Services maintains a Vaccine Injury Table on its website, on which the MMR vaccine alone is listed as a cause of encephalitis, encephalopathy, potentially fatal anaphylactic shock, chronic arthritis and thrombocytopenic purpura, a blood platelet autoimmune disorder so named because the resulting accumulation of internal bruises can turn the body purple. They might be shocked to find out that among the injuries which have been compensated by the national vaccine court to the tune of currently $3.5 billion are lupus, cardiac arrest, multi-organ failure, ventricular fibrillation, Multiple Sclerosis, and death. (1,2)

Reports of serious side effects from chicken pox vaccines

Beyond hundreds of reports of life-threatening reactions and permanent disabilities, as well as over 25,000 resulting trips to the ER, there are also deaths associated with the varicella vaccine. At the moment there are 163 such reports in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. While admittedly some of the reported side effects will prove unrelated to the vaccine, the fact that actual adverse vaccine reactions are egregiously underreported remains.

From Health and Human Services:

“VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning that reports about adverse events are not automatically collected, but require a report to be filed to VAERS. ‘Underreporting’ is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.”

Indeed, there have been relevant studies finding that as few as only 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are reported, which means that varicella vaccine deaths alone could total in the thousands. (source)

Reports from Health Professionals

From pediatrician Dr. Toni Bark, in an open letter to an Oregon senator:

“While [in my position as Director of a Chicago hospital pediatric emergency room] I had initially been furious if parents came in and were not up to date on their children’s vaccines, this attitude changed. And changed drastically.

“I began to see patterns. Children who were seen in the vaccine clinic would then come to our ER with seizures, respiratory arrest and asthma attacks. I began to realize, not all children respond well to vaccination and in fact, some die.” (source)

And from an Emergency Room RN:

“VAERS is WOEFULLY under reported. I am PROOF of that. The number one place parents bring their kids in the event of a vaccine reaction is the E.R., and as an E.R. staffer, I have NEVER met anyone who filed one, in spite of seeing hundreds of cases of obvious vaccine associated harm come through. What does that say about reported numbers? The CDC/HHS admits that VAERS is under-reported, and probably only representative of 1/10th the actual number of injuries. I contest that, and from personal experience, I would say the numbers in VAERS are more like 1/1000th the actual numbers, not 1/10th”

A link to an interview of the RN:

Finally, again from Health and Human Services:

“VAERS is…especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.” (source)

Indeed, the pattern of reported reactions changes, depending on the vaccine. The VAERS database allows you to view associated reports of reactions in order of frequency of report. For the varicella vaccine specifically, recommended for infants twelve months of age, among the top 0.1% of reported reactions are: rash vesicular (such as a chicken pox rash); viral infection; shingles (a reactivation of the varicella virus, which before the introduction of the vaccine used to be reserved almost exclusively for adults in midlife or older); and varicella (chicken pox). Further down the list, at around 12%, are respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. Death can be found at around 20%.

In contrast to the bulk of complications and worse associated with the supposedly vaccine-preventable diseases (it’s well known that many vaccinated kids develop the respective diseases after exposure anyway), adverse vaccine reactions *are* random, in that there’s simply no way to accurately predict what child will suffer severe injury at the hands of a vaccine, even if there’s a history of apparent non-reaction to previous shots. The immune system expects to see and is prepared to respond to potential pathogens on the skin and in the mucosal membranes of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, but vaccinations deposit not only disease antigens, but known neurotoxins – by definition poisonous to the nervous system – carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals virtually directly into the bloodstream, via the muscle.

Does the Vaccine Protect?

Regarding varicella vaccine “efficacy,” vis-a-vis official statistics the annual incidence of chicken pox plummeted in the years following the 1995 introduction of the vaccine, from 120,000 down to 20,000 a few years later, then in 2006 jumped back up to 50,000, recently recorded as 10,000 to 15,000 annually – somewhat erratic.

Two points:

  1. Diagnostic bias definitely plays a role in skewing disease incidence. MDs expect vaccines will protect the vaccinated. The simple fact that the vaccinated can develop chicken pox anyway, however, means that the probability that a vaccinated child exhibiting a chicken pox-like rash actually has chicken pox must be viewed as 50/50. Yet, the first question asked of a patient exhibiting a chicken pox-like rash will be, “Were you vaccinated?”, and if the answer is yes, the doctor will assume it unlikely to be chicken pox. A diagnosis of generic “viral rash” is apparently common. Conversely, if the child isn’t vaccinated, the pediatrician will virtually assume it *is* chicken pox, when in fact it could be the result of a different infection!
  2. More subtle, studies tell us that there are a growing number of outbreaks of chicken pox among the vaccinated, but that the cases appear milder, often with fewer pox, sometimes never even progressing to the vesicular stage, all of which makes it even less likely that an actual case of chicken pox in the vaccinated will be correctly diagnosed.

The vesicular stage of the pox, like the head on a pimple, is where the work is done; where the detox is accomplished. Because of the unnatural route of introduction and the known toxic ingredients, vaccines alter and thwart what would otherwise be the natural immune response to the respective infection, as evidenced, for instance, by the marked increase in shingles in infants and toddlers after the introduction of the varicella vaccine, skewing the occurrence by decades. While the failure to progress to the vesicular stage of chicken pox in the vaccinated will be interpreted as a benefit of vaccination, it’s more realistically a disability.

The Bottom Line

For the vast majority of kids chicken pox is mild, and not a threat And, as with all the childhood infections, chicken pox has long term benefits: it provides lasting natural immunity, and even helps protect against cancer later in life. The vaccine, meanwhile, can cause severe damage. For those few children who have a compromised immune system and might be more susceptible to severe complications from chickenpox (and other infectious illnesses), there are protocols available to bolster their health. There is no need for millions of parents to subject their kids to the possibility of chronic, debilitating injury, including death, from the chicken pox vaccine, thinking that by injecting their children, they are somehow protecting immune-susceptible children. Indeed, it just might be uncivil.


Contact: Shawn Siegel,

Shawn is the host of The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust. The show airs on Sundays, from 2-4pm Central time, and can be heard live at the

Show archives of the radio show can be found at The

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3 Comments on "The Truth Behind The Chicken Pox Vaccine"

  1. Steve Summers | 09/12/2017 at 11:37 pm | Reply

    Thanks for publishing the interview.

  2. Steve Summers | 09/12/2017 at 5:21 pm | Reply

    A second comment regarding ER RN Bob. Bob, you are in a position, with any cooperating nurses, to quietly take statistics on proximity of vaccines to symptoms presented. If you trained willing nurses to ask the vaccine schedule question as you do and make a private record that you all collated and prepared as a paper, it could be a powerful statement. Also one that is not being made via the VAERS system (because of under-reporting) or accommodated as a research focus at hospitals and clinics.

  3. Steve Summers | 09/12/2017 at 5:03 pm | Reply

    What happened to the Medics’ reports in the case that ER RN Bob relates, after he took them out of the bin for shredding?

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