Throwback Thursday: The Vaccine Mandates

Lest we forget…

Remember when Citigroup became the first big Wall Street bank to not only mandate the COVID jab for its employees in October 2021, but to also terminate employees who were not fully vaxxed by end of January 2022?

You literally cannot make this stuff up. These sentences appeared back to back in their press release. Unreal. Head of Human Resources Sara Wechter said: “We have made the decision to require U.S.-based colleagues to be fully vaccinated as a condition of employment. We will assess all requests for religious, medical or any other accommodation required by state or local law on a case by case basis. Our people are our most important asset, and we will do all we can to help our colleagues comply with this new requirement.”

Not do all they can to help their employees, or help their employees through a difficult pandemic, but to help their employees comply with the new mandate. Wow. Just wow.

We’ve written a lot over the years about the persecution of the unvaccinated. Read those articles here.
I wonder if Citigroup is getting nervous about being sued. Lots of lawsuits are happening around the COVID jabs. Read our latest Covid Lawsuits: The Domino Effect here.

Government officials are starting to panic. One of many examples is former New South Wales (Australia) Premier Dominic Perrottet who admitted during his farewell speech that his authoritarian vax mandates were wrong.

Tens of thousands of US military were discharged for refusing the jab. Those who did get it are vaccine injured. Both actions contributed to a decimation of our military force. Military personnel who were denied medical and religious freedom are fighting back, and winning, like these sailors who reached a settlement with the US Navy.

Now, with bird flu, monkeypox and other diseases on the horizon as the next pandemic, it has never been more important to know your state’s laws. Dr. Tenpenny has always been an advocate of this, and has been writing about vaccine exemptions for a long time. Read her past article here. Here is an updated guide as well.

Know your rights, because the dominos are indeed falling, and it’s a beautiful thing.

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