‘Vaccine Protesters’ Line Streets Of China For Two Days, Parents Claim Kids Still Given ‘Severe Reaction’ Immunizations

china vaccine protests

Following a massive vaccine scandal in China, CNN is reporting that Chinese parents have gathered for protests outside of Beijing’s government institutions for two straight days. The protests are putting strain on a government that’s unsure how to regain trust with its citizens.

Two weeks ago, the Chinese government asserted a disciplinary position over the scandal, saying it would punish companies and persons involved with the bad 600,000 diphtheria and tetanus (DPT) vaccines.

Protesters called for vaccine safety, holding a variety of signs, some simply reading, “Vaccine?”

“Please fulfill the leaders’ instructions. Please give vaccine victims a fair chance,” said another sign.

“Until now, they don’t appear to want to solve the problem, so we will definitely be continuing to protest in the future,” an anonymous parent said to CNN.

Protesting is China isn’t an act the people take lightly. It can come with a number of dangerous repercussions. But it seems the gravity of the scandal has caused many more people than usual to take to the streets and fight the government on such a contentious issue. China’s social media platform, Weibo, has largely restricted the use of the word “vaccine.”

The vaccines, supported by fake data, were distributed to kids.

Some parents claim that DPT injections are still causing severe side effects in their children.

“I paid for the treatment myself and I haven’t been told (of the cause of the reaction),” she told CNN. “The government said that they need to wait for a report … They said my child’s condition has nothing to do with the vaccines, but all the previous examinations by the hospital didn’t find any problems.”

China’s vaccine scandal is having worldwide implications. For the United States, a country ripening daily with pharmaceutical distrust, many people are concerned that too many of the U.S. vaccines are made abroad.

There is now little question that the world’s view on vaccines is in a dark spot. Not just for China, but for many countries around the globe, convincing the herd that scores of vaccines are good for their health is becoming more and more an uphill battle.


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