Vaccine Researchers Say They Need More Pregnant Women

vaccines pregnant women

Researchers and scientists released a new report this week that shows pregnant women being largely underrepresented in vaccine research programs. The guidelines are published on

Pregnancy Research Ethics for Vaccines, Epidemics and New Technologies (PREVENT), the group responsible for creating the report, feels that pregnant women are excluded from vaccine research “out of fear.”

“There’s a lot of reticence to include pregnant women in research,” said Carleigh Krubiner, the project director and a co-principal investigator for PREVENT.

They claim that it’s leading to a research environment that lacks vital data for pregnant women. The data is needed to develop more vaccines and vaccine strategies for pregnant women.

“We continue to have this Catch-22 of not having enough evidence to feel like we can do the research. But if we don’t do the research, we don’t have the evidence,” Krubiner said to VOA News.

“There’s a lot of fear,” Krubiner said. “And there are certainly biologically plausible risks associated with different types of live replicating viral vaccines.”

Researchers claim that pregnant women often receive vaccines when they don’t realize they are pregnant. They say this is proof that using pregnant women for vaccine research is safe.

The smallpox vaccine is well-documented to harm pregnant women. Last year, reports surfaced that linked the flu shot to miscarriages. (The CDC denies link exist)

In terms of demographics, pregnant women have long been sought after by pharmaceutical companies. Pregnant women are now receiving flu shots and whooping cough vaccines.


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2 Comments on "Vaccine Researchers Say They Need More Pregnant Women"

  1. Doesn’t sound good especially with talk of transgender agenda

  2. I heard that they’re recommending pregnant women take Tylenol. Oh, and animal studies showed that mice given tynelol during pregnancy if they have males, the males do not develop normal testes during puberty, they do not mature into normal males. Oh but trust us, we’re experts! Yeah, look at all those healthy kids out there and keep trusting the experts…..

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