Pennsylvania School Warns Vaccinated ‘At Risk For Whooping Cough Outbreak’

A Pennsylvania school is warning parents of vaccinated children that they are now at risk of contracting whooping cough. The parents of both the vaccinated and unvaccinated were contacted by the Department of Health after children at  West Branch Elementary school in Morrisdale, PA. was diagnosed. Children who shared classrooms and bus rides were warned in more specific manners.

According to

“It’s very contagious but you basically have to be exposed to the droplets. Somebody coughing directly at you, you could get it.
Somebody coughing on to a hard surface and then touching that hard surface and touching your face could expose you to it too,” explains Doctor Sherri Sortor-Thompson.
Dr. Sortor Thompson is a pediatric doctor at Penn Highlands in Clearfield. She says the past few days have been busy with parents bringing in their children to be checked because of those school letters that were sent out.  She tells us children who are vaccinated are at less of a risk but can still catch the infection– however their symptoms may be less noticeable.
“It’s so hard at the beginning because the first stage at the beginning is so much like a common cold and all the kids are back to school, so now they’re all passing their germs back and forth. So we’re seeing a lot of colds, a lot of URI symptoms and all those kids with URI symptoms do not have pertussis.”

Dr. Sortor-Thompson says parents should be taking minor precautions if they have come in contact with the child.  If your child has a cough, it is advised to keep them home from school to stop the spreading of any germs. However, it is stressed just because your child has a cough, does not mean they have pertussis.  It is more likely your child has a common cold.


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2 Comments on "Pennsylvania School Warns Vaccinated ‘At Risk For Whooping Cough Outbreak’"

  1. it IS a verifiable medical notation that vaccines cause a short period of time when the vaccinated person is in an infectious state with whatever germ their vaccine if made for/from. It’s called shedding and live germs are spread to others. This is how a great many cases of disease are passed among school kids but,…the unvaccinated kids are pointed at to blame for spreading disease. Of course they may be spreading them..after they contracted a case from the shedding from a freshly vaccinated person.

  2. “What an idiots”

    The irony of your stupidity is….mind-boggling. And hilarious!

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